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I must have missed Yuwen Hong cause I keep writing these long chapters. Another 2 chaps in one. So take it as if I did 2 chaps this week.

Chapter 29
Wei Li Lian
Her Highness Wei
Princess Elora
Phoenix Palace

"Good morning to Her Highness Wei! Did Her Highness sleep well?" Her entourage awaited at the bottom of the stairs of the Phoenix Palace when she stepped out.

They then strutted behind her toward the middle grounds where she would have the morning meeting with the harem.

On the way there, she crossed paths with the emperor. He was with his generals and heading for breakfast.

When Li Lian and her entourage curtseyed for the emperor, the generals bowed their greetings to her. Yuwen Hong was neutral towards her. He did not show any annoyance, if he was actually irritated with her. 

It had her slightly questioning whether refusing to give him company after the celebration had been a wrong thing to do. However, thinking about it, she could not imagine being able to laugh and enjoy time with Yu'er after she had seen him leisurely kill someone.

In Yuwen Hong's eyes he was protecting what belonged to him, and it was regarded treasonous to desire a woman of the emperor. Probably the killed general had not been so much in touch with the Nevorian ways and culture, thus he made such a request.

Li Lian was not against the Gurio man's inevitable death. No. It was the way Yuwen Hong did not hesitate to kill. It made her wonder whether when he found out about her, would he execute her with abandon? What if he never thought twice when stabbing her, caught up in his anger and betrayal.

The most painful thing is to be in love with a man who you are sinning against. The person you love, you'd like to protect, to nature, to comfort, and to encourage them. You would not like to be the reason their heart is to break. Not when they have chosen to trust you with their heart and love. Not when they see you as their everything and someone who would stand with them if the world was to turn against them.

After the meeting, Li Lian went to oversee the progression of the preparation of her coronation. The official responsible for the overall planning was exhilarated on this particular morning. He mentioned to her that before she arrived, His Majesty had passed by and was quite pleased with his work that he bestowed him a reward.

After an hour there, she retired to the Phoenix Palace earlier than usual as she had promised Cai Wenjin they would finish making the formal robes she would wear at the wedding. Many people liked to call the day the coronation, while in her mind Li Lian identified it as their wedding. Being empress did not matter to her as much as the fact that she would become one with Yu'er under the heavens and on earth.

"I love this color," Cai Wenjin took out a steamed bun from the plate and began munching while observing their work.

The person who did most of the work was obviously Li Lian. Cai Wenjin normally helped with cutting the material. Li Lian was weary of having her help with sewing at her young age. Since this was not her child, any harm done to her, people would use it against Li Lian and even want to charge her with treason. They would say that the oncoming empress wanted to kill the first daughter of the emperor in order to not have competition when she later on bore children.

"Concentrate, Princess Cai Wenjin. Do not make the mistake of cutting yourself." The young princess kept looking back at the entrance of the welcoming chamber as if expecting something. "What is stealing your attention?" Li Lian eyed her suspiciously.

Cai Wenjin quickly shook her head and blushed profusely, her stuffed cheeks gaining a dark shade.

"Concentrate. Make sure your cutting is straight." Li Lian guided her small hands as she cut. They had already wasted so much material as Cai Wenjin was not yet perfect at cutting things.

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