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Willow didn’t know what to do for the best yes she wanted to have a relationship with her mom but she wanted her mom to apologise to Jess and do it without asking. Willow and Jess was in their hotel room and in bed cuddling when Jess brought up the topic of Willows mom. “Willow your mom has contacted me to apologise and we have been messaging each other but I haven’t told her about our engagement” explained Jess. Willow smiled and nodded she made up her mind she was going to contact her mom when the girls had their meeting. Willow hoped her mom was more willing to accept her now. Willow woke up when she felt Jess getting out of bed. “Where do you think you're going?” asked Willow. Willow made Jess jump, Jess turned around and hit willow on the chest “stop scaring me you” said Jess. Jess then leaned down to Willow and gave her a kiss. Willow then pulled her on her. “Hey fancy seeing you down here” expressed willow. Jess blushed and hid her face in Willow's chest. Willow kissed Jess’s head and held her. Willow knew how to make Jess blush and she kept doing it. Soon both Jess and Willow was up and dressed, they walked down to breakfast and sat at there normal table. Once everyone was there and had eaten Vlatko toke Willow aside and told her that he didn’t need her for today. Willow went to her room and decided to call her mom for a chat. 

Once Willow had finished the chat she felt at ease and that she was doing the right thing she had forgave her mom and told her about the engagement. They started to work on their relationship a bit at a time. Willow finally felt at peace with her mom and her family; she just felt like this was how it was meant to be. Willow told her mom that she was going to move to Portland to be with Jess and her mom told her that they were thinking of moving near her and Tobin and so were her brothers and sisters, Jeffery, Katie and Perry. Willow was happy that her family was moving to Portland with them. Willow thought she would start on the save the date cards. Without the date. 

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