Chapter 6

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Viola saw Leon waiting for her as she walked towards the grand hall entrance with George. As the distance grew closer, her father could feel her grip on his arm tighter. George touched her hand to comfort her "I think Leon is a good man." Viola gave her father a weak smile.

Looking at Viola walking towards him, Leon realized that he had never properly looked at his bride before. Seeing her in a beautiful long-sleeve lace wedding dress with a veil adorning her loosely tied-up hair, he thought Viola was actually pretty.... average looking. She was not bad to look at but she was also not what he would call a stunning beauty.

Leon held out his hand and George handed Viola's hand to him. "Please take good care of her, Leon." Leon nodded in agreement, adding "I will" and gave signal to Tom to announce their entrance. George left the couple on their own to join Ian and the other guests in the hall.

"Wipe your tears, I don't want people to think I force you into this." Leon told Viola, aware of her teary eyes before walking into the hall. Why does she cry all the time? She is just getting married to him, nothing life threatening. Leon shook his head quietly.

A loud cheer welcomed them when they entered the grand hall. Guests were congratulating the couple as they walked to the stage where Ian and George were waiting.

While listening to Ian delivering his congratulatory speech, Viola stole a glance at Leon who was standing by her side, still holding her hand.

This handsome man is going to be my husband from today, she mused, and then her eyes widened.

A husband... wait, he won't do anything to me, right? We will be husband and wife soon but we are not really... husband and wife. I don't know why he proposed to me that day but we are basically strangers to each other. Ugh...

Viola's mind was in a mess. She lowered her eyes to Leon's hand.

Well, Leonard Oliver looks like a decent man with high integrity. He would never do anything bad to a woman, right?  She continued thinking silently. But what if tonight he... Her face turned red. She was embarrassed at her own thought.

"What is it?" Leon asked. He felt Viola's hand turned stiff.

Leon's sudden question startled Viola. She looked at his face and her mind went blank.

"What are we going to do tonight?" Viola blurted the words out without thinking.

Oh, no... Oh, no... She gasped.

Leon looked taken aback and Viola's face turned red.

He pondered for a while then he turned his eyes back to Viola.

"What do you think I want to do?" Leon smiled playfully at Viola.

"I... I don't know what you mean." She quickly turned her face away from Leon.

"Okay." Leon replied calmly, turning his head back, facing the guests.

Viola wanted to kill herself now.

After Ian finished his heart-warming speech, a white pedestal was brought out and placed in front of Leon and Viola. On top of the pedestal were a pair of wedding rings and what looked like marriage registration forms with both their name written. Leon scanned the paper briefly and signed his name where required. Viola quickly followed suit.

A representative from the Civil Registration Office came up to make the announcement. "With this, I hereby announce that Leonard Oliver and Viola Ernest are officially united in marriage." He congratulated the newlyweds and the couple exchanged their wedding rings. A round of applause followed and sounds of champagne bottles popping filled the entire hall. All the guests cheered happily for the Leon and Viola, except Ian and George who were caught crying in the corner.

Viola looked up to the ceiling, spacing out.

I... am now a married woman. The thought kept circling around her head. She felt surreal with her new identity. She looked at her wedding ring on her hand, unsure as if it was the most unnatural thing to have on her finger.

"You... won't regret this?" she asked Leon softly.


"I still don't understand why you agreed to marry me."

Leon muttered something but Viola could not catch what he said because there was a loud burst from a confetti cannon.

"What?" Viola asked again.

Leon brought his lips to her ears and whispered, "You will know tonight."

Viola was caught off guard. She pulled herself away from Leon and covered her face with her hand. She could feel her heart racing and her cheeks turning red.

Leon chuckled. He did not give her a chance to recover herself from the awkward situation. He swiftly pulled her closer to him and took her hand off her face. He could see her face blushed from embarrassment.

"What are you..."

Viola tried to push him away. He pulled her back again to his embrace and without hesitation, pressed his lips onto hers. The guests went wild and more confetti cannons were launched while George and Ian were left dumbstruck.

When their lips parted, Leon pressed his forehead on Viola's and stared at her shocked pair of green eyes, smiling.

"Close your eyes next time, Mrs. Oliver."

Viola wanted to strangle the man she just got married to.

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