Chapter 66

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5 years later

"How is the safety?" Leon asked.

"Everything has been arranged, Sir. We've located a few personnel in here and more in here and here." A manager explained while his laser pointer moved around the projected map.

"Clearance from local authority?" He asked again.

Another staff got up from his seat. "We've received their permission. They will assist us with everything they can."

Leon nodded. It was finally happening. Their hard work for 6 years had finally come to this. Mir Islands Project was completed and the opening ceremony was just two months away.

"What is this Mir Islands Project actually?" Viola had asked Leon, a few days after the project was reinstated back then.

"It's a sea life conservation project." Leon took out a blueprint from his cabinet and rolled it out on their coffee table for Viola to see. "We are going to build a big underwater observation center and a team of researchers will be stationed there to observe the life beneath Mir's water. Above the land is a recreation park for families. People can swim at the beach, walk the nature trails and observe birds, insects and such that are native to the island. We will also build rail tracks so there will be a direct access from the capital to here." Leon explained. "It's still an early design but we will work it out from here."

Viola smiled. Leon looked happy, she thought. Leon blushed when he noticed Viola was observing him instead of looking at the design he showed.

"I heard my mother initiated this project." He scratched his eyebrow. "She loved the sea and the beach but Bellfield has none. Do you know Oasis?"

Viola nodded. It was a giant sea park in the middle of Bellfield City where people could visit and learn about sea life. Viola had never been there herself but she had seen what was inside from magazines in the house.

"My father built that for my mother but she said it was pathetic. She wanted a real thing not something transported from the sea to later be confined in restricted space." Leon chuckled. Viola thought that giant aquarium was nowhere near pathetic. It was still hundred times better looking than the Sea Park in her hometown but she understood what his mother meant.

"My father promised her he would build a sea world for her if he found a suitable location for it." Leon cast his eyes downward to the blueprint again. "And then, the accident happened. She lost her life and he abandoned this project."

"When we heard about the land in Mir Islands, we jumped at the first chance. My father was reluctant at first as it reminded him of his late wife but after he met you and your father, I think he changed his mind. He is now more involved in the project. I guess he feels a special connection to Mir because of you." Leon smiled.


"Sir?" Mia, Leon's assistant called him. Leon was startled. "Sorry, where were we again?" He asked. He realized he was still in the middle of the meeting.

Mia laughed. "I understood that you have a lot in mind right now. We can continue tomo..."

Suddenly, Tom barged into the meeting room. He was out of breath.

"What's wrong, Tom?" Leon asked.

"Sir, it's Madam! Please go to the hospital now!"


"Congratulations, Mr. Oliver! The boys are both in healthy condition!" The doctor delivered the happy news when she saw Leon came rushing to his wife's side.

Leon smiled. "Thank you very much, Doctor."

After the doctor left, he turned to Viola who was still resting on the bed with the newborn twins. He held her hand and stroked her hair. "You've worked hard." He kissed her hand. Viola giggled. "Your wish is now fulfilled."

Leon smiled. "I know." He felt a pull on his pants. A little girl was standing beside him.

"Papa..." she called.

He picked the little girl up and let her sit on his lap. "They are your brothers. You are a big sister now, Seara." He told her.

Seara Oliver did not know what it means. She hugged her father's neck with her little arms.

"What's wrong?"

"Toilet." She said.

"Oh, hold on." He got up from the seat carrying his daughter in his arm. "I'll come back after this." He told Viola. She laughed and waved at them.

"Can you go alone or should I go inside with you?" Leon asked his daughter. He was not exactly sure how he could help either.

"Leon? And little Seara?" A familiar voice came from behind the father and daughter. Leon turned his head.

A woman in sunglasses walked towards them.

"It's you. Miss Tellsa." He finally recognized the red-haired woman.

"It's MRS. ARAN, now. You remembered attending our wedding, didn't you?" Nora corrected him. Two years ago, Nora and Walter finally got married in Mir. A small beautiful wedding by the beach attended only by a few intimate friends. "What are you doing here in the hospital?" she asked.

"Viola just gave birth to our children." Leon explained.

"What??!! Where is she now???" Nora cried in excitement.

Seara pulled her father's pants again. "Papa. Toilet."

"Oh, right. Can you go alone?" He asked again.

Seara shook her head. Nora, who noticed Leon's troubled look, offered her help. "Let me accompany her."

"Sorry to bother you." Leon lowered his head. "Seara, this is mommy's friend. She will help you, okay?" He patted her daughter's head. The little girl nodded and entered the toilet followed by Nora.

While Leon was waiting outside, he saw Walter came running with flustered face.

"Your wife is inside." Leon informed him.

Walter's face turned pale. "Leon?? Oh god..."

"Something wrong?" Leon asked.

"It's my son... I don't know where he went. He was still with me a moment ago. I let go of his hand for a few seconds and..." Walter pulled his hair in frustration. "She will kill me..."

"Walter? What are you doing here?" Nora came out of the toilet holding Seara's hand. She looked around. "Where is Asia?"

"That... he..." Walter stuttered. "I can't find him anywhere. Just now..."

"YOU WHAT???" Nora shouted. "I just left him with you for a minute!! He is still five, you moron!!"

"I... I'll go and look for him again!" Walter left the place as quickly as possible.

"I'll help too." Leon offered. He lifted Seara up and held her in his arm.

"Sorry to bother you." Nora said apologetically.

"Likewise."He answered.

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