Chapter 31

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Viola woke up feeling dizzy. She closed her eyes again, trying to remember what had happened to her. Her eyes moved around. All she could see was a wall in front of her. Where am I? She could not move freely. She realized her hands and legs were tied. Is she kidnapped? Who are these people? What do they want? A sudden gust of night wind blew from the small gaps of the window sills. Viola shivered. Her sudden movement caught the attention of the other entity in the room.

"I see you have woken up."

Viola was startled by a woman's voice behind her back. She struggled to turn her back. She could hear the sound of heavy boots stomping on the floor she was lying on, closer and closer. As the woman stood right behind Viola, she lowered herself and forcefully pulled Viola's hair to look at her face. Viola cried in pain.

At that moment, Viola saw the woman' face. A young woman in her age with a thick red wavy hair hanging down to her shoulders. Her blood red lips smiling triumphantly at Viola. Her face was familiar to Viola but she could not remember where she had seen it.

"Who... who are you?" Viola asked weakly. Her voice barely audible.

The woman laughed. She slapped Viola's face. Her manicured fingernail scratched Viola's cheek. A thin line of blood was formed on her face. Viola bit her lip unconsciously.

"You shameless woman. Aren't you married? Why are you still seducing my boyfriend?" The red-haired woman asked.

Boyfriend? What is she talking about?

"I... don't know what you..." Viola replied softly but her sentence was cut.

"Don't act innocent! You asked Walter to leave me, didn't you?" The woman was now shouting.

"Walter...?" Viola repeated. Who is this woman? What is her relationship with Walter? She suddenly remembered about Walter being punched just before she lost consciousness. "Where... is he? Where is Walter?"

The kidnapper slapped Viola's face again. Viola felt dizzy. She could feel the skin near the corner of her lip split.

A knock was heard coming from the door.

"Miss Tellsa, Mr. Aran is awake." A man spoke from behind the door.

There was a short silence. The addressed woman got up and walked to the door. She whispered something to the man and came back to Viola.

Tellsa... Viola remembered now. The woman was Nora Tellsa, the only daughter of Governor Tellsa of Mir. The red-haired socialite that never escaped the attention of every media in Mir. Her beauty was unrivaled and her family background made her even more desirable to all the bachelors in Mir. What is she doing here?

"Nora Tellsa...?" Viola muttered.

Nora looked at Viola with cold eyes. "I really want to kill you right now."

"What actually..." Viola stopped her words. She saw tears flowing down on Nora's beautiful face.

"Walter said he wants to leave me..." Nora let the tears flowed as if she was not aware that she was crying. Her eyes were hollow. "What will happen to me... to us?" Nora looked down to her belly and caressed it gently. It was not obvious because of the thick coat that was wrapping her body, but now that Viola had paid closer attention, she could now see a slightly protruding bump hiding behind the coat. At that moment, a sharp pain struck Viola's heart. Her body trembled. She felt that she could not breathe.

"No..." A small cry escaped Viola's lips.

Nora snapped when she heard Viola's voice. She pulled her hair and moved her face closer to Viola's. "It's his! I'm pregnant with Walter's child!" Nora shouted. "And yet... he asked me to... kill the child..." Her expression gradually softened and her grip loosened. She covered her face with her hands, crying. Viola could not move. Her whole body felt weak. She did not want to hear anything. Her eyes felt heavy. She closed her eyes and let the tears flowed from the corner of her eyes.


Leon stepped out of his private jet and walked towards his car. He stopped abruptly before going in.

"Call Eric Tellsa."

"The Governor, Sir? But it's almost midnight in..." Tom counted the time difference.

"Call him NOW." Leon repeated. His tone was fierce.

Tom quickly punched the number and waited for the call to go through. He did not understand his boss. His wife was missing and he was calling the governor? How Leonard Oliver could get Mir governor's private number was even more mysterious. Tom remembered they had to make an appointment 6 months before when a company as big as Uni Infinitus wanted to set up a meeting with him.

A notification ping came from Leon's phone. Leon opened the message. He was still analyzing the content when his phone suddenly rang. His expression changed when he saw the caller ID. It was Viola.

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