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The last few days have been rough... getting Lila used to her new schedule, new daycare and babysitter was not easy. West introduced me to an older lady who watches her while I work at night. Emmett gets out of jail in 2 days. His time got extended due to getting in a fight with another inmate. So his short stay extended a little bit. Which made me sigh in relief. I have since applied for full custody or Lila by use of the PFA and proving that I was the one responsible for most of her car. I have acquired letters of character references from multiple officers, her former daycare, and even Emmetts mom wrote something saying she is better with me.

Today is reversal day. Where cops pose a criminals to rat out dirty cops. This has Tim in a sour mood. As well as the thought of Emmett getting out. Tim does not do well with domestic violence, even on calls.

"I'm just saying, cops don't have the best reputation right now. And if these tests help the public trust us, isn't it worth it?" I argued with him to get him to see the benefits.
"And how are we supposed to trust each other if our fellow officers are trying to trick us into screwing up?" He bit back. And man that sounded a lot like what he tried with me and even still does occasionally.
"I ask myself that everyday." I bit back.
"How's living with West? Little Boot doing okay?"
"As best as she can. She excited we got her room set up. I'm getting nervous for him getting out."
"Well he can't visit you or come near you. And you live with a cop . You are a cop he would be a fool." Tim told me.
"I know it's just he's..." a car horn stops me mid sentence. We see a corvette swerve to pass a car and we turn out lights on to pull the corvette over...
I exit the vehicle approach the car as the driver rolls the window down it appears to be Mario Lopez ...
I get dazzled by the fact that he's famous but Tim just goes on with job.
"License and registration."
Mario Lopez tries bribing him with tickets and compliments to me.
Mid way through he spots someone across the street and they exchange words about how this was a role reversal and some very not funny joke about Isabel. I felt bad for Tim. His ex wife put him through hell with a drug addiction... I helped him through it just like he's helping me.
He then has me write Mario up for everything he can think of.
We then return to our shop.
"Doesn't all those tickets make you feel better?"
"No, I won't be in a better mood til this days over."
"How about if you turn the grumpy off I'll treat you and Lila to pizza and a movie." I bribe.
"Don't bring Little Boot into this."
Next thing I know we are dispatched to a 459 at 117 Ayers. Tim turns lights and sirens on and hauls ass to the scene while I confirm the call.
When we arrive we see Shrooms and a man on the floor with a bear trap on his leg. Tim swears it's another role reversals when he offers us half the drugs in the house.
The leg bleeds profusely proving it is a real injury so I call it in to the paramedics.
"Tim you need to treat all these calls real. I'm serious now... he could bleed to death!"
"Oh shush you'll be fine I'm making a point."
"Tim pizza, beer and a movie with Lila if you take this day serious from now on." I apply regular belt above the mans wound to stop the bleeding.
"Fine your right!" Tim snaps and walks away.
After the paramedics come and call us idiots for removing the trap they said his leg would be okay. We loaded into the shops and headed back to the station.
"You're lucky his leg's gonna be okay." I gave him a pointed look.
"If Murphy hadn't gotten in my head, that never would've happened. Blame the reversals, not me."
"What happened between you two? Did she investigate you or something?" I asked because it's not like Tim to get this cranky over something so stupid.
"Indirectly." He nodded at me
"Is it Isabel?" I asked putting a hand on his shoulder.
"Look, Murphy was her investigating officer." He looked me in the eyes and I saw so many emotions flood through his blue eyes
"Okay, but you're not Isabel, so what's her beef with you?"
"Not your concern. Start the paperwork." Talk about a smack in the face... his eye softened in remorse. But...
He walked away...
I ran into Anderson and we had a conversation about the role reversals and I was on my way back out to the streets where Tim barely said 3 words to me unless it was about work.

Saving LucyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora