The Road to Recovery

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Tim's POV
It's officially been a week since Lucy was saved. 4 days since we said goodbye to Rose. And 7 days before I go back on duty.
Lucy is eating very small meals, sleeping but waking to nightmares and most importantly she's talking. Not much and unless she needs to or is spoken to but enough to make me feel like we can get back to normal.
Right now we are sitting at the therapist office Lucy had something to tell me she didn't want to alone.
"I think I'm ready to go back to the apartment with Lila." I spit my beer out mid drink.
"Um, are you sure?" I ask her.
"Yes. You go back to work in a week. You need to get back to normal. I need to learn to live without you holding my hand." She says confidently.
I am not ready for this... I love having her in my home. Even in her upset state she makes it feel brighter and warmer.
"You and Lila are more than welcome to move in with me." I blurt it out not even thinking before I say it but it just feels so right.
"Tim, we went through something very traumatic in the beginning of our relationship. We have advanced way to fast. I am super super greatful for you being there for me and I love you. But I need to learn who I am."
"Dr. Swan, please tell Lucy she's overreacting. There's nothing wrong with moving a little fast. Sure if the whole abduction thing and losing a baby didn't happen I could see this being too fast. But I'm ready. I mean you still stand in the shower and try to scrub your skin off for an hour everyday. You go and sit by Rose every morning... how are you going to do that from the apartment? You can't even get in the shower there without freaking out."
"Lucy, are you sure your ready to do this? I mean Tim's not wrong. With everything you've gone through there's nothing wrong with advancing your relationship a little." I smile in victory. "BUT," she looks at me and I snap back to my resting face. "Lucy your not wrong either. Wanting to find yourself on your own is perfectly fine too. You were in a toxic relationship for a very long time and then you went through a traumatic experience."
"Tim I will think about your offer. But tonight can we stay at the apartment with Lila?" She asks. Okay I feel better knowing she will think about it.
"Of course." I grab her head gently and kiss her on the temple.
"So Lucy how have you been since we last spoke? You look much better than before." The Dr. asked. And it's true. Her face isn't as pale, the dark circles under her eyes are still there but not as evident. I did notice she lost some weight in just a week:
"Better. We said goodbye to Rose. I've been sleeping a little better, I'm forcing myself to eat but I never feel hungry so it's kind of hard." She looks at me with a small smile and I see the determination in her eyes I've seen plenty of times before. I know in that moment I will have my Lucy back.

Lucy's POV
Later that night Tim and I walk into mine and West's apartment.
"I need to do something. If Lila gets dropped off just hang out with her a second." He turns his head at me and looks confused.

I walk to the bathroom. I turn on the water and get undressed. I step in and close my eyes. I peek one open and close the door. Images flash across my face. The lid closing on the barrel, me being jostled around as I am kicked in the hole. Me banging on the lid and lastly me singing. I feel the tears flowing but I just stand there.
I grab a rag and start washing myself and then my hair. I look down at the damn tattoo and start to scrub. I stop myself... no Lucy this will not control you.

I get out of the shower and get dressed.
I run out to the living room and Tim is on his toes, probably looking for what's wrong. I jump in his arms and wrap my legs around him.
"I did it." I kiss him deeply and smile.
"You did it." He smiles and kisses me back.
"Mommy," Lila runs out of her room and flings herself in my arms and I hug her.
"Hi baby."
"We home," she clapped her hands.
"Yes baby." I smile and kiss her forehead.

Later that night I lay in bed. I asked Tim to sleep on the couch tonight. Trying to get as close to normal as possible. But still not ready to be alone. I'm tossing and turning. I stare at the ceiling.
"Ugh." I groan.
A few moments later I hear a knock on my door.
"Can't sleep?" Tim asks.
"Me either." I sit up and pat the bed.
"You know; I don't think it would be a bad idea for you and Lila to move in. I think it would be nice..." He started running my shoulder. He kissed it. I turned my head and kissed him. I turned my whole body and deepened the kiss. I pushed him back on the bed. "Lucy," he grabbed my roaming hands, "are you sure?"
I nodded my head at him, "yes."

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