Where's Lucy?

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It's the following Saturday and Lila went to her dads since he missed last Saturday and Sunday... so I am out having a few drinks with Armstrong, West, and Nolan. Well everyone else is drinking I'm sipping on water. I told them I want to be sober incase Emmett calls about Lila. Tim is watching some football game tonight but it's good to be out with the boys again. Reminds me of the academy days before things with Emmett got bad.

"No, but seriously, what is it like dating a celebrity?" I ask West after coming home to find him with a celebrity on our couch!!
"Awesome. Yeah, he can always get a reservation, and the parties are sick." He was so enthusiastic about it.
Nolan mocks him by saying "reservations" in a dreamy tone causing us all to laugh.
"Well, we're happy that you're happy." I told him.
"No I'm serious, me and Tim are happy and I want everyone to be this happy." I smile widely.
"In my opinion, you and Tim have like the best cop relationship we've all seen it. You would never know your more than friends on duty unless we knew you. It's kind of freaky."
"Well I want to be trained by the best." I said. "Even your dad wanted you with Tim, West."  Armstrong reached for the pitcher but it was empty.
I snatched it from him "Hey, no, no, no. Uh, I got it. I got it." I head for the bar elbow my way through the crowd, "Sorry. Excuse me."
"Excuse me!" I try to flag down the bartender, "yeah okay." I'm annoyed now.

A man sitting at the bar says, "pace yourself it's a marathon, not a sprint." He tells me.
I smiled and laugh a little.
"Have you been waiting here long?" I ask him.
"What month is it?" He asks.
"Oh, maybe we should just hop the counter." I joke causing him to laugh.
"Yeah, I'm not much of a hopper, but I am a rock star at creating diversion. How do you feel about small fires?" I laugh a little too hard.
"Mm. Define "small."" I ask him.
I shake his hand.
"Nice to meet you. What brings you out on a Wednesday night?" He asks me.
"Uh, I'm just...hanging out with some friends from work while my boyfriend is watching some game."
"Wow he must trust you letting you come out with a group of guys to a bar."
"Yeah you could say that he's a pretty good partner." I laugh inwardly at my corny cop joke.
"Nice meeting you Lucy." He got up and left . That was weird...
Finally the bartender fills the pitcher and I take it back to the table. "I'm gonna head home guys. Have a good night."

I can't shake that guy from my head... it's so weird.

The next morning I get in work with only minutes to spare and I run to the briefing room hair not even up yet.
"At 0500 this morning, guards at Central California Women's Facility prepared prisoner 081316 for transport. Rosalind Dyer, the most rare of unicorns -- a female serial killer. For the last five years, she's been on death row, confined to an 11-by-8 cell. Today, she's coming to us. Now, before I get to assignment details, I want to defer to Assistant District Attorney Del Monte for background on Ms. Dyer. Sean?" As I'm listening to Grey I fasten my hair into a uniform regulated bun.
He exchanges good mornings with us then gets down to business, "My name is Sean Del Monte. For those of you who are not familiar with this case, in 2015, Rosalind Dyer was convicted in the torture and mutilation killings of seven individuals."
Armstrong cuts in, "but there is evidence that the body count is much higher."
"In three of those seven murders, the bodies were never recovered, so now Dyer has agreed to show us the location of those three victims." Ridiculous... why should she be allowed to do that.
"Excuse me sir, in exchange for what?" Tim asks the question probably on all our minds.
"Well, her sentence will be commuted from death to life without parole." Like that's any better... I'd rather die than sit in a jail til I do die.

"Why the hell are we cutting her that break?" Tim asks... woah. A break? In my opinion death would have been the easy way out. She's nuts for not taking it. I look back at him confused. He must have missed the break.
"Well, it's not for her. It's for the families of those victims. They've been waiting a long time for closure." Del Monte explained.
"Yeah, what about the other families? The ones that we promised the death penalty? What do we tell them? 'Cause they're calling me." Armstrong seems to not be happy about this at all and I don't blame him. I remember this case. He was a lead detective on it.
"Just tell them it's above your pay grade, Detective."
"Why does she have to come here? Can't she just tell you where the bodies are?" Lopez asked another million dollar question.
"She claims not to know their precise locations. Griffith Park is over 4,000 acres. Dyer says the only way she'll be able to identify the dig sites is by retracing her original footsteps." Del Mint explained... no I learned about this in school she's going to relive her kills.
"Sounds like an excuse to get out in the sun, relive her kills." Harper read my mind.
"Maybe, but she knows if she doesn't lead us to all three bodies that the deal is off, so..." Del Monte motions for Grey to take back over.
"Okay, let's get down to it. First, the station needs to be locked down for her arrival. Processing is officially closed for business. All suspects in our holding cells will be shipped to the Twin Towers."

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