Just Boot

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Just Boot

Sirens blaring, I feel the air blowing, I see the red and blue lights, I smell the fresh air.

I pull it together in time to be asked if I wanted to ride with Tim I nodded graciously jumping in with them.

I grab Tim's hand and squeeze it. I feel dampness, I see his chest rising and falling, I hear the sirens and I smell sanitizer like in a hospital... In college I learned to calm anxiety down you need to point something you hear, see, feel and smell. And it works.

We roll to a stop and I hear gunfire. I cautiously climb out of the ambulance to help them and to protect Tim and his care team. He needs a doctor.
I come up behind Jackson and let him know I'm right behind him. Nolan lands a shot in the attackers shoulder as she reloads. Nolan than ducks back. I start to come out of my spot to try and get a shot when the ambulance doors burst open revealing Tim in a tight white t-shirt he starts shooting. I freeze and stare in awe so glad he's conscious. I almost lost him.
I look to see Nolan cuffing her as he calls for a doctor that soon appears.
"Are you okay?" He comes up to me after talkIng to Nolan.
I nod. "Yeah, I'm I'm just glad your okay. And that this is all over. I need me some Lila loving."

"How about this, I go get checked out. You go get this paperwork done and go home to Lila. I'll call you as soon as I'm discharged."
"Yeah sounds good. We need to talk..."
"Yeah we do." He nodded and walked away.

After finishing up the boatload of paperwork I head to the sitters and get Lila. Thanking her endlessly for watching her late again.
"So Lila, your birthday party is coming up, what do you want to do?"
"Have a party with you, daddy and all our friends." I gave her a small smile.
"What kind of party do you want?"
"Hmmm.... I want lots of pink and lightsabers!"
I giggled. Leave it to Lila to want the best of both worlds.

I feel so bad for her. I know she misses her daddy... court is 1 day before the party so hopefully we can have something in place and he will be able to come. I just don't know where to have it now that I don't have our backyard... I'll make a list and make calls tomorrow.
"That sounds good. Now here let's eat some of this yummy yummy noodles and watch a movie, what do you say?"
"Yes!" She clapped her hands.
I grabbed our bowls, tucked 2 bottles of water in my arm and grabbed my phone and headed to the couch and settled in.
My phone dinged and I grabbed it seeing it was Tim I check it immediately, "I'm okay, they just insist I stay the night to make sure I don't have another reaction. No work tomorrow for either of us. See you 10:30."
"Okay, I'll be thinking about..." I clicked the back space a lot and retyped, "I'll have breakfast ready."
Next morning at 10 o'clock I changed into a black sweat outfit and got Lila dressed in a matching pink one and got started on some pancakes and at 10:30 sharp there was a knock on the door. I opened it to see Tim in sweats and t-shirt himself. I smiled and he returned it.
"Timmmm" Lila squealed jumping in his arms.
"Little Boot," he scooped her up and airplane flew her to the table.
"I made pancakes, I'm sure your hungry..." i slid them both plates.
"I'm having a pink party with lightsabers!" Lila said in her little toddler voice. I smiled at her. She really is something else. She's so smart and advanced for her age. Emmetts mom paid for her to go to a private daycare before that works the kids really hard to be advanced. But she still says words super cute like, pawty and sayder.
"Ooo that will be fun!" Tim told her with a smile.
"Will you come."
"Of course I will! where will it be?" He asked me.
"I'm not sure yet. I was going to call around today." I told him.
"We can have it in my backyard." He said not leaving it up for discussion.
"All done!" Lila jumped down running for the toys on the floor.
"Where's Jackson?" Tim asked.
"Work. We only got the day off cause you went and passed off." I teased him.
"Listen, what we talked about yesterday... I meant every word but this could be bad if it gets out." He told me.
"I know Tim. And I meant every word too."
"IA would for-sure have our asses if anyone even thought we were more than friends." I frowned.
"I know we can separate work us and outside of work us. Like yesterday I didn't hesitate to leave your side and help them when the shooting started." I pleaded with him. "And I know you would have anyone's back out there and not just mine. No matter what. You would go for the safest save. Or the save with the better outcome." I hated to admit but I knew Tim would never risk his job.
"I know, but no one else would believe it. I'm your partn... I mean TO and your career could be put at risk over this Luce. All my training gone to waste." He tried to joke but I couldn't even smile.
The tears started...
"How about we go in there and be honest . Cause to be truthful until yesterday I didn't realize I had the feelings I did Tim. But I knew there was something."
"Me too." He sighed. "Think they will believe us?" He asked.
"We never know til we try."
"They could put an end to me being your TO you might have to start from the beginning.."
"I know, but I'm willing to risk. I'm not saying I want anything serious right now. But I want to be able to go out to dinner or a movie or to the park with Lila and not have to hid a hand touch or putting my head on your shoulder."
"I'm okay with that. I am. If your willing to risk this I am to." He grabbed my hands in his.
"Let's go. Before I lose the nerve. Lila sweetie want to come with mommy to the station?"
"Let's go mama!" She said. I giggled. I changed her pull up real quick and Tim, Lila and I headed to my car.
The drive was quick and quiet.
"Remember to tell them at work I'm just boot. Out of work who knows, friends with the possibility of becoming more." I told him.
"I know Luce. Calm down."

We walked to Commander West's office and checked in with his secretary. I gave Lila her tablet and we played on it til they called Tim and I back. I grabbed her hand and I squeezed Tim's before dropping it. We both approached Commander West and stood at ease after I helped Lila sit down.
"You too wish to speak to me?"
"Yes sir." Tim said as I nodded in agreement.
"Well go ahead." Me and Tim looked at each other and I decided to speak first.
"Well Tim and I have discovered we have feelings for each other. We don't know what yet... not necessarily that we want to be boyfriend and girlfriend. But we also feel more than TO and trainee and friends." I spit out.
"Interesting." He nodded as he folded his hands on his desk. "Now do either of you feel you have affected on the job by this?"
"No sir." We both said.
"Lucy would you be willing to take your Rookie test right now to prove that he has trained you properly?"
Me and Tim looked at each other and he nodded at me in encouragement.
"Yes sir." I said confidently knowing that Tim felt it helped me as well.
"Very well. I assume Officer Bradford will watch the little one while you get started?"
"Of course. Go ahead boot. And you got this." He said with a small smile. I nodded and smiled.
"Tell mommy she's got this, Lila" Tim said picking her up.
"You got this!" She held up her 2 thumbs.
It handed all my belongings to them and followed Commander West to a room where a officer sat. They handed me a pencil and the test and gave me 2 hours. No breaks.

2.5 hours later

We were told to wait and once they had my score we would talk with Commander again.
I was currently pacing back and forth.
"What I failed? What if I didn't do good enough? What if we didn't prove to him we can be both and it not affect our job." I went on and on as Tim watched me.
"Why are you smiling like that." I snapped.
"Because, I know you did well. Your the best Rookie I've ever had." He said. "That's TO Tim by the way." He said with a small smile.
"Your right. I need to calm down. We knew this would happen. We knew we would have to prove this legit." I sat down. And immediately got back up to pace again.
"I don't think commander West will be happy if you run a rut in his lobby floor." Tim nodded at me.
30 minutes later.
"Officers Chen and Bradford the Commander will see you now."
"Thank you." Tim said leading the way. I carried Lila with me as she chewed on her sippy cup in my arms.
"Have a seat you 2."
"While you were testing I spoke to a few people. I asked several officers at Mid Willshire a few questions. They were all confident that your relationship would not affect your jobs as officers, trainee and trainer. Now that being said officer Chen you have passed your test but, I was asked not to tell you your score so that I will not be disclosing today." I looked at Tim and beamed he gave me a small smile as well.
"Good job Boot." Tim nodded.
"Good job mommy!" Lila clapped and I smiled at her as well.
"Now I will need you both to sign these forms disclosing your relationship as well as this form stating that there is no favoritism allowed and that you both lose your jobs should that happen. But the forms are a lot more detailed." I looked at Tim and he grabbed the pens and signed both. Then Commander West gave us both a copy.
"Now that, that is over. Officer Chen, as a friend of my sons I want to say I'm proud of you and congratulations on passing your training test."
"Thank you Commander West." He smiled and shook his hand.
"Now don't make me regret this you two."
"We won't sir." Tim said and left first.
"Sir, I just want to say I don't really know what these feelings are . It may be nothing it may be something I just wanted us to be honest."
"I understand Officer." He smiled at me and I left with Lila as well.
We spent our day off getting some pink and star wars party supplies for the party and ordering a cake with pink light sabers.
At the end of the day I drove back to my apartment where Tim went to his car and Lila and I walked with him.
"See you tomorrow."
"See you tomorrow."
"Can I do something?" He asked. I nodded. He grabbed my face gently and leaned in where he pressed his warm lips to mine and I just saw sparks. And I gave in letting my follow his. I have never felt this before. Not with any guy in high school and certainly not Tim. This is definitely going to be something.
"Woah." I said as we pulled apart.  Tim looked into my eyes and I could tell he felt it too. He smiled at me. A
"See you tomorrow Boot."
"Goodnight Tim."
"Night little Boot." He bent down and hugged Lila.
Then, Tim got in his car and drove away. I picked Lila up and we walked to mine and West's apartment.

I think it being the 4th called for a fluff! Next up we get into some good drama!!! Stay tuned everyone and Happy Fourth of July to my American readers!!

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