As a Thanks

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You stared at the silver haired man sleeping, hoping it wasn't a dream as you hugged him ever so gently, but not wanting to let go, it's as if he'd disappear if you let go, then you felt him groan in his sleep, then he turned towards you, his chest now facing you, he hugged you and your face was now buried in his chest, you wanted to fix your position, but didn't want to at the same time, his head rested on the crevice of your neck, you felt his warm breaths go in and out of his nose, you decided to sleep it out, "God I wish I met you sooner.." you said under your breathe


It was now 11a.m., and Pietro was now waking up, he mumbled something, he said "Good morning", his accent still noticable behind the raspy and tired voice he used to greet you, it was like he was hot without even trying, you said "Good morning to you too" in a joyful voice, you were still in your attire, not even the shoes being removed, so you said "I gotta go work, it's already really late, and I haven't finished a lot"

before you could get off the bed, you felt a firm hand grab your forearm, it was Pietro, "Wait", he said, you turned around and looked at his messy silver hair and mesmerizing blue eyes, "hmm?" You mumbled in response, "Let me pay you back, with a thanks", he said with his face staring into your face as if he was trying to adore every part of it, "We can do that la-", you were cut off by a strong pull on your forearm, Pietro pulled you in to leave a kiss on your cheeks, "Thanks again", he said in a kind and warm tone, "I-" you responded, not knowing what to say, you were at loss for words, you blushed at him, he stared into you with a smile, "You're adorable" he said, the smile only getting bigger, "Y-youre welcome", you stuttered in response "I'll see you later , (Y/N)", he said, letting you leave, "I'll see you soon" you responded with a smile and happily left the room, as you went out, you started jumping like a highschool girl in her favourite band's concert

"YEEEEESSSS!!!", You yelled at the top of your lungs, not realizing you had yelled, some people in the hallway looked at you weirdly, and you covered your mouth to shush yourself and showing them the peace sign with a "Sorry guys, hehe" in a apologetic tone


You were working till 6 again, but since you started at 11, you had to have lunch at 3 to pay off your lost time, as it hit 3p.m., you walked towards the kitchen and decided to eat something heavy as you weren't able to have breakfast and lunch, you decided to have chicken and rice with some gravy, and a soda, as you were preparing your food, you felt hands on your waist, and a head on your shoulder, "Hey, baby", it was Pietro coming to see you, "Hey, Pietro", you blushed at him, "What are you cooking?", He asked curiously, "Chicken and rice, want some?", When you asked the question he chuckled and said, "Hell yeah, I'm starving.", You chuckled at him
He kept his head on your shoulders and his hands on your waist as you were cooking, then a familiar voice came in, "Hey Y/n-, woah, didn't know you dated Pietro, not till today at least", you chuckled at the man, it was Steve, he walked in to get an apple, "Hey, Steve, I made some food, you can have some with us if you'd like", he responded with a smile, "Sure, I'd be honored, and I'd like to know how, this , happened" he chuckled, Pietro on the other Hand was silent, still hugging you, has he fallen asleep?, No, he was staring at Steve


After Pietro, You, and Steve finished talking about the past night and how you confessed that you had a little crush on Pietro the first time you had come in, it brought your faces to a smile as Steve said in a tone showing affection, "Aww, that's adorable", Pietro on the other hand, decided to not talk at all, he seemed to be just staring at Steve. Then he tapped his glass and said, "Can I have a word with you (Y/n)?", In a very stern and low voice, he grabbed your wrist and sped through the hallways to the bathrooms, "Hey, hey, what's wrong, why do you look so mad at me?",he stared at you for a while and then said, "I don't like the way he talks with you, he smiles at you too much", you looked at him and sighed, you entangled your fingers with his, and calmly said "Pietro, Steve's just a friend, you don't have to worry about it, okay?, Im all yours", he looked at you In the eyes, "You promise?" He asked, "I promise"


It was now 6p.m. and you needed to go home, so you texted Pietro so he would be updated

You: Hey, I'm gonna go home now, I'll see you again tomorrow, love you

Pietro: wait for me at the elevator

You: ah, ok, on my way

"I wonder what he's up to", you said to yourself.

As you got to the elevator Pietro was standing inside of it, waiting for you, he has his arms crossed on his chest, and he was looking at you, he wore his blue long sleeve, chewing on candy once again, his hair, a mess, but you loved him like that, "you can't leave without a goodbye", he said sadly, "I'll be back by tomorrow, dummy, it's not like I'm gonna  be gone forever", he pulled you into a warm hug, he held you close, like you would vanish if he let go, "Be back tomorrow, okay?", "I will", you leaned in and left a kiss on his cheeks "Keep doing that and it won't only be the cheeks next time", he smiled, you chuckled at the statement, "Oh?" You said in a playful voice, "I'll see you tomorrow", "I'll see you tomorrow" Pietro said in a sad voice, with a smile on his face.

As you walked out of the elevator, and through the doors of the tower, you waved goodbye to Pietro from the front as the Elevator doors were closing on him, you smiled at him.

It felt nice that you were finally with someone you liked, someone to love you, someone who's going to care for you. It felt so perfect.

You sighed as you left the tower, "I wish it wasn't so hard to say a goodbye.", It felt bad to say goodbye, you wanted to stay with him all the time, but you still had duties as an Agent of S.H.E.I.L.D. while you were walking, your phone rang, it was Pietro,

Pietro: Can I come over?

You: Pietro, I wish you could, but I still have work to do, and my apartment is a mess

Pietro: I don't care, I'd go anywhere to see you, can I just see you work, I just wanna be there with you

You: Fine, my apartment is just At the back of the tower

You had just finished texting him, and you felt a gust of wind, it was him, already there, beside you, "Well that was quick wasn't it", "Didnt see that coming?" You two chuckled, it was atleast another 2 minute walk for you to get to the apartment, it was getting cold and the street lights lit the sidewalk so well, it was like a scene from a romantic movie. You were surprised at the quick motion Pietro made, he had entangled your fingers in his, he was holding your hand as you walked through the side walk. This day couldn't get any better, you thought to yourself as you smiled at each other.

Loving Him (Pietro x Male!Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu