Nervous for no reason

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As you drove through the streets and the highways, you attracted eyes because of your car, You could see crowds of people forming around you with cameras flashing. You sped through them to get to your destination, you took a left from the tower and went straight ahead into the streets ahead, you took a right and went straight for about 10 minutes. After those minutes, you reached a clean white mansion, windows of amazing size, and a front yard that stretched for a while, a fountain in the middle, you opened the door to walk out of your car, you walked towards Pietro's door. You opened it and offered your hand, he was still shaking from nervousness.

You chuckled, "Calm down, my parents aren't eating you alive", he looked at your grande house at amazement and he tried to hide that he was nervous, "N-nice house you g-got there", you chuckled at him once more, "Go inside, I'll have to park this at the back since the front is occupied by my dad's cars", he looked at you wide eyed, "W-what- me?, Go inside?, ALONE?", He emphasized 'alone' like he was going to die if he went in, "Pietro, stop acting like you're going to get shot at when you enter", you chuckled and gave him a kiss to calm him down, "I'm waiting for you out here", he insisted, "Fine, I'll take a while" you responded. You went back into your car and drove to the back, you entered a garage thats entrance was a collapsing road way, so you went down under the house. As you finished parking, you took the flight of stairs to your right to exit the garage and walked to where Pietro was.

He was leaning on the gate, hands crossed on his chest. You walked towards him without him noticing, you placed your hands around his waist, and gave him a kiss on the cheek, "Like the view huh", you asked, "Mhm" he responded, "Come on, lets go inside", he was still nervous, but he was less shakey this time, you walked with him to the door, he clenched your hand with great force, "I-, Pietro, honey, don't you think you're holding my hand too hard", he looked at you and your hand was red, "Oh- I'm so sorry, I'll get you fixed up, you guys have like a med kit in there", you just giggled at him and smiled, "I'm fine, just, calm down ok?, It's gonna be alright".

You knocked on the door 3 times and waited for a response, you saw a silhouette through the mosaic glass of the door. It opened, it was your Dad, "Y/n!!, HONEY! Y/N'S HOME!!", He shouted for your mother, "OH MY GOD MY BABY!", They both pulled you into a tight hug, they were the sweetest parents anyone could ever have, "Hey guys, I missed you, how're you guys, I've missed out on a lot haven't I", you asked with a smile, "Oh honey, there's never an event you aren't invited", your mom said.

"Who's this", your dad pointed at Pietro, "Oh yeah forgot, Mom, Dad, this is Pietro, He's, my, well, he's my, Boyfriend", he waved, "Hi, Mr. and Mrs. L/n", your parents gasped in shock. "My baby likes boys, I should've known!" She said in a joyful tone. "My son's already a man", your Dad said, about to cry tears of joy, he grabbed you into a tighter hug than earlier, "Dad- you're squeezing the life out of me-", he let go of you and you let in a big breath, "Oh, Im sorry, I'm just, this is great news, you guys should stay for lunch and dinner", you nodded and they let you into your beautiful childhood home. Pietro loosened his collar and sighed in relief, "You know, with how built you are, I thought your parents would be pointing guns at me when they saw me", Pietro whispered to you. You only giggled, "Told you, you had nothing to worry about, they're as sweet as candy".

"oh dear, I'm afraid we only have turkey and steak for lunch. We didn't know you were coming home, you should've told us", your mom said in an apologetic tone, "Mom, sometimes I wonder if you can read minds or just over prepare. Steak and turkey is alright mom", you replied, "Come sit down", your father waved, he gestured for Pietro to sit, Pietro hesitated at first, "Come on son, I won't eat you, we got turkey for that", your dad joked, and it made Pietro feel less nervous at your parents.

"So, what's your job now Y/n, and what's..what's his name again?", Your mother asked, "Pietro", Pietro answered, "Ah yes, Pietro, do you two work together?", She pointed her finger and gestured towards you and Pietro, "Uh, yeah, We work together. We work with the Avengers", your dad spat out his food because of shock, "Avengers, like, THE Avengers" he asked, Pietro nodded, "Tadaaaa!", You said, you knew your dad a big fan of them, and now his son worked with them. "Oh!, I never doubted you for a second", he pulled you into a tight hug again, now crying because of how happy he was.

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