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As you two went down, Pietro couldn't stop hugging you, he missed you a lot.

"Why didnt you tell me you'd be gone for so long?", he asked, "I expected you to be home the following day, then a month passed by, you still weren't back", he asked again, keeping himself snuggled in the crevice of your neck.

"I'm sorry, Love, it was a private mission, I couldn't spill any details", you sighed, you wanted to tell him, but you just couldn't. As you parted away from the hug, he went in front of you, he had a grin on his face, "You know." (Gif above for reference), "We could just, cuddle up in bed instead", you giggled as a response and said, "Let's get take out then?", He smiled and giggled as a response, "Take me away." You said opening your arms for him to grab you and speed through the halls, back to his room.

As you arrived on the bed, you were already cuddled up with Pietro, you were on top of him, "I missed this so much", he stated, you smiled and said, "I missed you too" and gave him a kiss, "God I missed that too" he chuckled, so you snuggled with him, talking about how it went.

After a few questions, Pietro asked a question you felt sad about, "Why didn't you write me letters then" he said with a saddened face. You couldn't. You had to plan for everything, train, and scout the facility everyday, sneak in many times to memorize the ways to get in and out, you sighed.

"I wanted to, but I couldn't, I had to prepare everything carefully, I had to sneak in more than once so I could memorize the ways out, I scouted the area to memorize the guards shifts, trained so I could match the strength of the guards. The guards weren't just ordinary, they were like Steve, they had enhanced strength, I even almost died if Fury didn't say anything when I got out, but I'm here now, aren't I?" You replied, smiling softly.

"Yes. Yes you are", he combed through your (H/c) locks and smiled back, "I just wanna stay like this for the rest of...the whole year", he stated, "Pietro we'd starve to death if you did", you replied, "We can eat in bed".

"We still need to go to the bathroom to freshen up", you stated while giggling, "I'll hug you in the tub, like last time", you chuckled said, "Well I'll need to go to work in the upper floors soon, so..", he cupped your face and leaned in, barley any space left, and said, "I will do, whatever it takes, for me to be snuggling up with you 24/7", in a very low and scary voice.

You laughed at him, and he laughed with you, "I'm hugging you in your chair if you have to work. Wait a minute, you live in the tower now, why can't you work here" he said, pointing at your desk, "Oh yeah, I guess that's a win win for you and me, I get to work, you get to cuddle up with me", he smiled and said, "Yessss", you chuckled at his childish reaction. You looked at the date of today and it said, April 4th, you missed your first month with him, you wanted to pay it back by celebrating the 2nd one coming up soon.

You thought of a date on a restaurant nearby, you took mental notes on what to do. You hoped he remembered the previous one, "Hey Pietro, happy 1 month, Love", you stated and gave him a warm hug.

"I totally forgot, god damn it, I'm so sorry", he replied, you giggled, "It's ok, atleast you didn't forget me", he smiled as you laid on his chest.

"Want to watch a movie?" He asked, "You have no idea how much I'd love that", he turned on the TV and you went beside him so you could watch as well. "You wanna pick this time?" He asked, "Yeah sure, I hard there was a new one, I think it was like, Oh yeah, 'Pietro smiling for 24/7', that's a good one", he blushed and smiled at your reply, "Pfft, you're as sweet as ever", he stated, "Now pick a movie, you goof", you thought about movies you could watch, the first one that came into mind was, "Let's watch the lego movie, I got nothing in mind", he giggled and said, "Okay", he scrolled through the movies and stopped once he saw the title.

Loving Him (Pietro x Male!Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora