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You went to sit up, "Why would your sister text me, and ho-" you realized something, "SHE WAS WHY I HAD THE NIGHTMARE", Pietro looked at you confused, but he realized it soon, "So your biggest fear, is losing me?", You blushed at his response, "Y-yeah..", he smiled at you, "No wonder you were as pale as a ghost", he leaned in to kiss you softly, only parting for breath.

"When did she get in our room, I didn't hear anything", you asked, baffled, "I have no idea, but she has her ways", Pietro giggled.

Wanda knew about Pietro's crush on you, she read his mind once, she saw images of you, fantasies, all about you. Pietro had an undying love for you, even before you started liking him. But you wondered why she wanted to see your fear, was she planning something?, No, she couldn't have, she wouldn't want to emotionally hurt her brother, so you just let it pass. You went on to do your morning routine, Pietro asking for affection every now and then, like usual.

By 12pm your phone dinged, Pietro was in the bathroom so he didn't hear it, you looked to see who it was, it was Fury. It read;

"Agent Y/n, I'm going to have to meet you in my office in the headquarters, pronto. Don't bring anyone."

You were confused and shocked, so you made up an excuse so you could leave Pietro unnoticed, "Hey, Pietro, I'm gonna go buy some stuff for my desk, I'll be back in a few", you said at the bathroom door, "Okay, stay safe, Love you" he responded, "I love you too" you replied.

So you walked out of the door, went down to the lowest floor, walked out, and started driving, luckily your car was fast, so you made it there in only 10 minutes. You came into Fury's office to see him in his desk. "Alright I'm here, what is it", you asked. He looked at you blankly, "I'm gonna have to send you off on a private mission" he stated, you were baffled, "But I had the week off",you testified, he stood up and slowly walked towards you, "I know that, Agent Y/n, in exchange, you'll get the rest of the week off, and the following one", you sensed danger, he wouldnt be willing to let you off for 2 weeks for nothing, "This is dangerous isn't it" you asked.

"Good observation. And you're going alone, I'll send you off to Romania, some of our systems have detected an underground security breaking system, it's been bothering the National security system of Romania. And you are the perfect fit, you're the stealthiest we've got". You were at the top of your class when you were in the academy, specializing in scouting and assassination. You graduated with the tittle of Professional assassin, you were perfect for the Job.

"I'll take it then" you stated, "Perfect, you're leaving tonight, don't tell anyone, the system we're up against can go through every persons phone and listen to your voices, the only way you can communicate is with paper or signals.", You were shocked at how early you were leaving, "But what about-", he cut you off, "Pietro?, We have that planned, no need to worry", you sadly sighed and nodded.

You left the building and drove back home to the tower. You went in and went to the elevator, as the doors were opening, you saw a figure, it was Steve again, he tried to close it, but this time wasn't going to be so simple, you put your hand out to stop the doors from closing and went in, Steve went away from you on the other side of the elevator, "Look, Y/n, I'm sorry for what I did, I was-", "Desperate?, It's ok, it happened already, I let it pass", He looked at you with a mix of shock and happiness. You forgave him.

"Thank you-" he turned towards you and gave you a hug, you willingly hugged him back. "Next time, just ask me if I'm single", you stated as you left the elevator for the 34th floor, "Will do" he replied.

As you went in the room, Pietro was at the bed, he was watching a movie, "Hey, Love!" He sped towards you and gave you a hug, whilst giving you a kiss as well, "Did you get everything you needed?" He asked, your thoughts scattered, you didn't know what to tell him. You thought it would be better if you told him, "I uh..I gotta tell you something", you said in a very nervous voice, he looked sad, confused, and baffled, "What is it, is it bad?", He asked, "Let's go somewhere more private", you grabbed his hand, left your phone on your table, and grabbed his phone and left it there as well, you prepared so that nobody could hear or know what you were talking about.

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