Chapter 2

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The next morning you all were getting ready to go to the beach. But first you and the girls had a little girl talk. "

So you and Harry are something, eh?" asked Perrie "

What? No way. I mean he's cute but I don't think he likes me." You say with a slight shrug.

"Then we'll just have to find that out won't we?" Danielle winked.

The three girls left the room before you could say anything back. You just sat there and tried to comprehend what just happened.

You began to play with your thumbs as you sat up straight on the bed, unsure of what to do. Then out of nowehere, a Harry in his swim trunks got shoved inside the room with the door locked. You looked at him with a puzzled looked.

"The girls locked us in here" he said as if it was nothing. You just nodded.

He came to sit by you. "Why do you think they did that?" he asked.

"Well because," You bit your lip, "I might have.. kind of told them i thought you were cute." You said quietly while looking at the floor.

You heard a slight chuckle leave his mouth. "I was actually thinking the same thing about you." He said.

You looked up and met with his bright green eyes. You smiled. He began to lean before a the door slammed open.

"Oh no, no, no! We can't have that unprotected!" Screamed Danielle as she burst into the room.

"What?" You asked puzzled.

"Here take this" Said Danielle as she handed Harry something.

"What is this?" asked Harry.

"A condom" Said Danielle.

Harry threw it into the air and let out a small yell. "Why in bloody hell would you give this to me?" 

"Because! What if you guys did something naughty! Harry, that wouldn't look good for you to get a girl a year younger than you pregnant." said Perrie.

"Ok first of all... a YEAR younger than me second of all why would I do that? We're not even boyfriend and girlfriend yet!"

 "Yet! Yay! Yet, Yet, Yet!" Yelled Perrie while she hopped around like a bunny, squeeling.

"Uh Wai-"

"Well anyway we still need to get ready for the beach trip so... see ya!" Blurted Perrie running out of the room and locking it again.

You two sat silently until Harry moved in his spot to face you. he ran his hand through his hair. "So anyway uhm, Ive been meaning to, uhm ask you.. would you be my girlfriend?" Harry asked slowly.

"Uh.. Yeah for sure!" You say qith a large smile.

"Awesome!" Said Harry as he hugged you tightly.

"Hey don't forget about protection!" Yelled Louis through the door. You and Harry smirk to each other and make loud fake kissing sounds as Louis gags through the door.


While everyone was packing for the beach trip, you and Perrie were still deciding what swimsuit to bring.

You hold up two swimsuits. "I don't know if I should go for the one piece or the bikini."

 "Oh love, definitely the bikini." answered Perrie. "When we get back next week all of us girls need to take you shopping." 

Once everything was packed you all took the black van. Paul let you use it but he had to come along to make sure you all didn't get into anymore trouble like last time. 

When you arrived, you all went into a small cabin that only had two bedrooms and two bath.

All of you decided that Niall, Harry, and Zayn would sleep in one of the bedrooms and Louis and Liam slept in the other bedroom while all you girls slept in the living room.

You all unpacked then started making a picnic for the beach. You packed some cheese, apples, chips, and things for smores for later tonight. You also packed a cooler full of drinks and chicken and a grill for later tonight.

"So who's ready to hit the beach?!" Yelled Niall. You all cheered and grabbed your things.


When you all got tot the beach all the boys went into the water doing who knows what and you and the girls stayed behind to talk along the shore.

"So you and Harry are a thing now huh?" Asked the girls.

"Yeah I guess so." You reply as you ring you knees to your chin.

"Just remember, protection!" Said Perrie. You rolled your eyes lied out your towel and put tanning lotion on and fell asleep.

When you awoke, Eleanor and Perrie were chatting and Danielle was asleep in a bright red chair with hair hat over her head. You looked over and saw the boys still playing in the water.

"How long was I asleep?" You ask.

"Oh just about 10 minutes." Answered Perrie, turning towards you. You nodded then went for a walk along the shore.

As you were walking Harry ran up to you. "Mind if I join, love? he asks.

You nod. "So how has you and the lads been so far?" You ask.

"Oh their great we've been having a blast!" Harry says smiling.

"That's great!" The two of you stay silent, unsure of what else to say.

"(Y/N)?" Asks Harry.


 "Mind if I hold your hand?" You giggle and hold out your hand and he locks fingers with yours.

Right as that happens and picks you up and throws you into the water.

"Harry Edward Styles come help me out of here right now!" You say trying to keep a straight face.

He holds out his hand and you grab at it and pull him in. While you two are laughing Harry gives you a long, soft kiss.

He almost kisses you again until you here Perrie yell faintly "Protection!" You both just laugh and get out of the water and head back where the others are. 

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