Chapter 3

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It was getting late so you all decided to start your cookout. Zayn and Perrie grilled the chicken while Niall was making something out of the cheese and the rest of you guys went to change.

You put on a black tank top and white shorts and put your hair up in a ponytail.

You met Harry in the kitchen making pasta. He looked over at you and smiled. "Hey love. Wanna come help me cook some pasta?" He asked in a low voice.

You looked down at the ground embarrassed. He came over next to you and put his arms around your waist. "I don't really know how to cook." You said embarrassed.

"I'll teach you it's real easy." He said in a soft low voice. He walked over to you, grabbed your hand and led you to the stove.

He stood close behind you and grabbed the back of you hands. "Alright, babe, So I already put most of the ingredients in so basically all you need to do is put the pasta in, stir it, and than set the timer." He instructed. You nodded.

"Ok first the pasta" he said. He helped you open the pasta box and helped you pour it in. "Next stir it so all the ingredients mix together well." He instructed.

"You are an awesome stir... person." He said. You giggled.

"Ok now you just need to turn on the stove and set the timer." You did so until let out a small shriek as your finger strongly stung. "What happened?" Harry asked worriedly.

"The stove burner burnt my hand!" You said as a tear rolled down your eye. Harry wiped away your tear and kissed you hand.

"Better?" He asked staring into your eyes. You nodded and smiled as he continued to hold your hand by his lips.

"Ew! Not in the kitchen! Especially by the food! That's just gross!" Louis wined while fake gagging. 

You put some ice on your burn and went back into the kitchen to help Harry with whatever else he needed help with. Once the food was done you and Harry brought out the pasta and got you plates.

Niall was the last to sit down since he got so much and came to sit by you. You sat back in your seat and then stuffed you mouth with a chicken wing.

Once you were all finished eating Zayn decided it would be funny if he told a scary campfire story.

"And after he walked into the room he saw Mrs. Martha lying on the chandelier with the glass all over her. He walked over to her and that's when... the guy with the saw came! Mwahaha!" Zayn yelled in his scariest voice possible.

You and Danielle jumped into your boyfriends arms while everyone else was laughing or screaming. You jumped right into Harry's arms.

Him, Liam, and Niall were laughing historically at yours and Danielle's reaction. "It's not funny Harry!" You wine.

"Oh but  (Y/N) it was!" Yelled Niall laughing extremely loud. Zayn, Louis, Zayn, Harry, and Liam fell to the floor.

"Come On (Y/N), Danielle and Perrie. You boys can sleep in the living room.. alone tonight." Eleanor pouted. We followed her inside and heard the boys still laughing.

"You see were not really mad at them... We just want them to think that so that they'll apologize, but until all of them apologize to us then we'll ignore them. We can't tell them they have to do it on they're own." Says Eleanor mischievously.

The four of you smiled and nodded, understandably.

Once the boys finally calmed down from their wild laughter, they came inside.

Louis went over to Eleanor. "Hey love. You know I was kidding right?" Eleanor just looked away with hands in her lap.

Then Zayn went over to Perrie, "Babe, Want to come and help me pick out what clothes I'm wearing tomorrow?' Perrie did the same except went to get a soda.

"Love? Are you girls mad at us or something?" Danielle went to sit on the couch and turned on some T.V. when Liam came to her.

Then Harry came up to you. "What's up with you guys love? Are you mad at us?" You then got up went to get a soda and then joined Danielle for some television.

About five minutes later you and the girls got all of the boys things and put them in the living room. They all looked at you confused and then realized what you were doing.

"Woah, Woah, Woah. There's no need for that is there?" Harry asked trying to stop you. You just kept walking.

He then grabbed you by the waist turned you around and kissed you hard. When he pulled form you he looked in your eyes. But you just continued removing his and the other boys things.

Once you were all done Danielle and Eleanor decided to sleep outside where the campfire is and you slept in one room while Perrie slept in the other. You put your pajamas on and went to sleep.

Around 2 am or so you heard someone knock at the door. "Yes?" You said grudgingly. In walked Harry with his hair a mess and in nothing but his boxers.

"It's really uncomfortable out there." He says. You just turn over and ignore him. He then walks over to you and sits on the edge of the bed.

"Come on love. At lease let me know that we're still okay." he says very tiredly. You turn over to him and give a small thumbs up. "I'm sorry for whatever i did" He says as he kisses you on the cheek and leaves the room.

When you woke up you met up with Perrie and Danielle. You all went to wake up Eleanor than you discussed wheater or not anyone has apologized yet. Eleanor and Perrie said no.

"Harry came into my room last night and said sorry." you informed.

"And Liam told me before i went to bed." Said Danielle.

"Ok so we just need Zayn to say it to me, Louis to say it to El, and then Niall to say it to (Y/N) because you guys are best friends."Perrie said.

You started to here the boys wake up and acted like you all weren't talking about anything.

"Man does my back hurt!" Harry said as he tried to make his hair look reasonable.

"Morning El." Said Louis as he walked in and gave El a peck on the cheek. Liam, Harry and Zayn did the same. You all just continued to ignore them. That was the plan.

"Eh, are they still mad at us?" Asked Niall while yawning.

"I guess so." said Liam.      "(Y/N) Sorry for whatever I did, sis." Said Niall while searching through the fridge. You and all the girls looked at each other and smiled.

Later that day you were all seeing who had said sorry. "Zayn finally said sorry while I was talking to Leigh-Anne through the phone." said Perrie.

"So that just leaves me." Eleanor sighs.

"I have a great idea! Once Louis says sorry we all jump in our boys arms and snog them like crazy! They'll be SO confused!" Perrie exclaims with a giant smile. You all agree happily then get your swimsuits on and go to the beach.

You all went back to the cabin when it started getting dark out for dinner. You all walked in and started preparing a salad and some of the leftovers from last night. The boys walk into the house laughing.

"And remember when Zayn did that front flip and landed on that old ladies float!" Niall said laughing loudly.

"Hey babe." Zayn said to Perrie. She didn't say anything back.

"Ok this is enough! El, I have no idea what I did but I'm sorry!" Louis said.

All of you girls looked at each other nodded and jumped into their arms. Perrie snogged Zayn so hard he fell over a chair. Danielle kissed Liam that he ran into the fridge. Eleanor kissed Louis so hard that his suspenders broke. And I snogged Harry so hard when I let go both our lips were swollen. Harry looked at me and smiled so big he was beaming. Same with the other boys.

"Oh man this is rubbish! I need to get a girl friend!" Niall frowned, frustrated looking at all of us in awh. El, Perri, Danielle and I all went over to Niall and kissed him on the cheek.

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