Chapter 6

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You all buy your tickets and meet over by the fairs wheel.

You grab onto Harry;s arm. "Harry, I'm going to go on with Perrie. Is that okay?" You ask with a smile.

"Yeah but  as long as i get some alone time with you later." he says in a low voice with a small wink.

"We'll see." You say playfully. You give him a quick peck on the cheek before running off with Perrie and getting in line.

"So are you and Zayn still angry with each other?" You ask her as she fiddles with your hair as you wait in line.

Perrie sighs, "It's still goin' on, yeah. I think I just need to hang out with you girls for a while. You girls always make me feel better." She says with a small smile.

"Tickets please." Asks the man at the booth. You both hand him your tickets and he then straps you two on the ride.

"Well maybe you could try to talk to him about it." You suggest as the ride starts.

"I have, but one of the boys always comes and kidnaps him from me."

"Well me and the girls will keep the boys distracted one day while you talk with him."

"Okay thanks love." She says.

When the ride ended you and Perrie had met back up together and went for a walk around the fair. You then found a bench that you all sat down on and talked for a bit.

"Alright, Perrie I've been needing to know." Danielle starts. "How many times have you and Zayn done it since you've gotten angry with one another?" Asks Danielle.

Perrie shakes her head as she rests her hands on her lap. "None, it's only been about a week anyways."

"Oh that's just not healthy love!" Eleanor says as she shakes her head, "I mean Louis and I do it every Saturday." Eleanor directs her attention to me and Danielle. "How lately have you two done it?"

"I don't feel comfortable answering." Danielle says with a small giggle.

"Harry and I only did it that once..." You say shyly with your voice trailing off at the end.

"What?! That's crazy! I mean sure two haven't been going out that long but still!" Eleanor says with her hands in the air.

"Well I guess I'm just shy around guys." You say quietly.

"Okay you know what? Perrie, (Y/N), when we get back to the place we are going to make them! And Perrie we'll distract the boys while you and Zayn talk." Eleanor smiles brightly. 

You tried to talk them out of it not really wanting to do it right now, you continued to argue but they didn't give up. So eventually you gave up realizing that you wouldn't win a battle against these three crazy girls.

Once it came close to 12  yoat night, you, the girls, and the boys met up. They looked a mess.

"What have you boys been up to?" Danielle asks as she brushes some leaves out of Liam's hair.

"Well we went for a walk then a bunch of fans randomly started to come up to us asking for our autographs and such." Louis said as Eleanor was fixing his braces.

"A fan kissed me.. and man.. she was hot." Niall said as he was looking into the sky.

You all helped them with their hair and fixed their clothes to help them to look more presentable then before. You went on a couple more rides then headed back home.


The Next Day-

Today the lads and you were almost finished putting your things in the moving van.

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