20. Family Dinner

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I went into Mina's office to tell her the schedule she had for the day. But, as I walked in, Mina seemed anxious and was pacing around the room.

"Mina? What's wrong?" I worriedly asked her as I held onto her shoulder to make her stop.

"My parents... want to see us for dinner today..." She nervously spoke as my eyes widened.

"They said they wanted to get to know you. But, I am just worried..." She sighed as I held onto her hand.

"It's okay. We can figure this out. I am willing to act as your girlfriend if you need." I told her.

"W-" She stopped herself and shook her head.

"Okay then, I am just worried since they wanted me to marry some rich man..." Mina frowned.

"But, Mina, how far are you going to take this? We aren't together." I asked her. I mean... being with her doesn't seem bad, but I don't know how she feels.

"I don't know... I am so sorry, Y/n." She seemed disappointed in herself.

"Alright, let's get ready for the dinner then." I smiled at her to reassure her that it'll be okay as I was still holding onto her hand.


We arrived at her parent's mansion as I was wearing a formal outfit. I glanced around the house as it was HUGE, and I could get lost if I walked by myself.

"Shall we go?" She lent me her arm as I clung to it. We walked inside the house.

Mina's parents greeted us by the entrance as I bowed.

"Good afternoon, Mrs. and Mr. Myoui." I politely said, offering a warm smile.

"Good afternoon, Y/n." Her mom greeted me before letting us in the house.

We both sat at the dining table, it was a very spacious table. The whole room itself was so fancy. When we were sitting, we held hands with one another.

"So, Y/n, we invited you and Mina today because we wanted to simply bond with the individual my daughter has taken a liking to." Mina's mom smiled as I also did too.

"You know Y/n. Mina has been very reluctant to even go on a single date that we wanted to set her upon." Her dad stated as I glanced at Mina, surprised.

"She said it was because she had one special person in mind. She said it was someone she loves very much." Mina's mom pointed out.

"She has been saying this since elementary school! I can't believe it's been that long already." She chuckled.

"But, since Mina is finally dating someone, it must be you." Mina's mom excitedly said.

"Mom!" Mina felt embarrassed.

I definitely knew it wasn't me, and I didn't know her at all in elementary school. Maybe it's someone she truly likes right now, which isn't me. This feels wrong...

"Can we talk about something else?" Mina nervously said.

"I see. Sorry, we are embarrassing you," Mina's mom laughed it off.

"Anyways, Y/n, what does your family do?" Oh shit, here we go...

"Well, my mom is currently unemployed due to her injuries..." Mina's mom seemed shocked and not impressed.

"And what about your father?" Mina's dad asked.

"He... he passed away," I explained as I tried not to think much of it. I didn't need to break down in front of Mina's family.

"Oh, I am so sorry Y/n! We shouldn't have asked that!" Mina's mom apologized.

"It's okay! It was a long time ago anyway." I tried to reassure them.

"So, are you currently the only one providing for your family?" Mina's mom asked.

"Yes, as of right now, I am." Mina's parents didn't seem happy with my response.

Ugh, they must think I am some gold digger...

"Mom, Dad. I think you asked Y/n a lot of questions already... We should talk about something else." Mina tried to break the silence.

I glanced over at Mina. I can tell she is nervous.

Mina went to the restroom at the end of dinner as her parents spoke to me.

"What do you like about our daughter?" Mina's mom asked.

"I love that she can make me smile, whether it's from her subtle jokes or the way she loves to talk about random things. I love the way she makes me instantly feel comfortable. She allows me to be myself and freely say what I want without any judgment."

"She also makes sure to put her family and friends first before anyone or anything else, which I found an important value. I realized that the more I was with her, the more I became a better person and the more she influenced me positively."

"I have endless amounts of words that can explain my love for her. I could keep going all night if I could. But, I will cut it short to save you both some time." I chuckled as I was smiling largely.

These words weren't fake, and they were genuine. It's how I truly felt about her.

Mina's parents glanced at one another as they smiled. Then Mina's mom nodded to her husband as I was confused but worried.

"We will approve of you for our daughter. Only if you vow, you aren't using her for her money. She truly loves you, and we can see it. So if you continue to make her happy and smile as she does, we will approve of you." Mina's dad explained as I was excited.

"Thank you so much!" I bowed.

"I vow, I love Mina with all my heart," I admitted, smiling greatly.

"What did you all talk about?" Mina curiously asked as she walked up to us.

"Oh, nothing! We were talking about the dinner we ate today." Mina's dad explained.

After dinner, Mina drove me home as we said our farewells. I believe today was successful. Maybe one day, Mina can fall in love with me...

Am I asking for the impossible?

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