41. Dreams Come True

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Third-Person Pov

Y/n came to visit Mina to drop off some coffee after working her shift at the cafe. Y/n was sitting in a chair at her office while drinking her coffee.

"Say, Y/n..." Mina suddenly spoke as Y/n glanced at her.

"Hm, what is it?" Y/n tilted her head, in confusion.

"If you had the chance to, would you become an actor?" Mina brought up the topic of Y/n's dreams once again.

Y/n couldn't help but feel depleted. Her new relationship with Mina was strong as ever but Y/n felt like she was missing something. Something like... her passion and her dreams.

"I would, I think I could be one of the top actors! What do you think?" Y/n jokingly said, playing around with Mina.

"I really think you could be." Mina was serious with her statement, she stood up from her seat and went behind Y/n as her face went closer to Y/n's ears.

"What if I proposed an idea?" Mina whispered, giving Y/n a tingly sensation in her ear.

"And what would that be, cutie?" Y/n flirtatiously said while trying to hide her blush as Mina was whispering in her ear.

"Think about it, how about you join my company and become a rookie actor?" Mina suggested as Y/n quickly turned to face Mina.

"Y-You mean it?!" Y/n's eyes widened in surprise, she felt a feeling of excitement.

"Of course! There is actually an upcoming new movie project. I suggested you to the director of the new film." Mina told Y/n the news as Y/n stood up from her seat.

"He said he would love to have you as the new main lead!" Mina replied as Y/n walked over to Mina and hugged her.

"Thank you so much!!" Y/n couldn't contain her happiness, she's been dreaming of this day since she was in high school.

"B-But wait..." Y/n pulled away, looking worried.

"Main lead? I-I've never acted before!" Y/n became panicky and stressed out.

She thought to herself, "A lead role? I can barely even act correctly!"

"Don't worry, I hired the top acting teacher. She will help you and guide you to becoming a better actor in no time." Mina told Y/n to reassure her.

"Babe... you didn't have to! You are already doing a lot for me!" Y/n couldn't help but blush, Mina was being so kind.

"Baby, don't worry about it. You deserved to have your dreams come true after all you've been through. So let me help you reach your goal." Mina said as she pulled Y/n back in for a  hug.

"You mean the world to me." Mina spoke softly into Y/n's ear as she was embracing her.

"You mean the world to me too." Y/n replied back, holding onto Mina even tighter.

"Sorry to interrupt.... Uh..." The door opened revealing Jihyo who was glancing at them, surprised and shocked.

Mina and Y/n quickly removed from the hug and faced Jihyo.

"Oh! Hey Y/n! Long time no see!" Jihyo tried to break the awkward silence.

"Hey! Nice to see you!" Y/n smiled at her.

"I just wanted to tell you that the director is here to see Y/n." Jihyo said before slowly closing the door, trying to leave the awkward scene before it gets worse.

Mina quickly walked outside of her office as Y/n followed behind her.

"Ah great to see you, Ms. Myoui." The director politely bowed and greeted Mina. She turned to Y/n.

"This must be the future main lead!" The director pointed out as he shook Y/n's hand.

"Ah yes! Thank you so much for this opportunity. I won't let you down." Y/n politely bowed as she was deeply grateful.

"Here is the script, I hope to be seeing you in the studio soon." The director handed Y/n the script as Y/n was in amazement, she felt like she was floating on the clouds.

"Thank you!" She bowed as the director walked away.

Y/n couldn't wait any longer as she flipped through the pages, she was taken aback. She wondered how she even got to this point.

"Congrats, Y/n!" Nayeon said as Jeongyeon and her both walked over to Y/n and Mina.

Jihyo slowly followed behind them, a bit hesitant to see Y/n.

"Thanks!" Y/n softly smiled at her.

Jihyo was on the side of Jeongyeon, trying to hide behind.

"How are you doing, Jihyo?" Y/n suddenly asked, surprising Jihyo. Jihyo glanced at Mina and realized she wasn't glaring at her.

"I'm doing okay," Jihyo responded.

"Congratulations on becoming a main lead," Jihyo said to Y/n as she smiled.

"Come on, let's go back to work," Jeongyeon suggested as Jihyo, Nayeon and Jeongyeon all walked back to their desk.

Y/n and Mina quickly went back to the office to talk about the film project more.

Jihyo sighed as she sat on her seat, Nayeon and Jeongyeon stayed by her side.

"So the rumors were true after all..." Jihyo stared down at her desk, upset.

"I-I didn't know she was actually dating Mina..." Jihyo felt defeated, she placed her head on her desk.

"I thought I had a chance... But, I didn't..." Jihyo sadly said.

"Hey, Jihyo. I know how much you liked Y/n but maybe this is a sign that there is someone else out there for you." Nayeon held onto Jihyo's shoulders to comfort her.

"Yeah, she may have been your first love. But she won't be your last. We promise you." Jeongyeon reassured Jihyo as she slowly nodded.

"You're right," She sighed.

"There will be others meant for me, I just have to wait patiently." Jihyo tried to persuade herself, to ignore the sad feeling she has.

"Gosh, I hope they're right..." Jihyo thought to herself.

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