27. Taking Risks | pt. 4

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Third-Person Pov

"Are you ready?" Y/n asked as Mina's body was trembling in fear.

They were out in the middle of the ocean as they were on a rocky boat. Their bodies were swaying against the waves as Mina tried her best to keep her balance.

The man who was driving the boat was motioning his coworker that the waves were calm enough for them.

Mina was absolutely in disbelief that this is how she was spending her last day in Hawaii.

She didn't think Y/n would be into something like this.

Mina realized Y/n was a thrill seeker even though Mina was not.

Mina woke up this morning as Y/n dragged her straight out of the hotel and onto the beach as she told her that they were going on a boat ride. Little did Mina, the boat ride included them going parasailing.

"I have never been on a boat before! This is absolutely crazy!"  Mina thought to herself.

"No!" Mina shouted in fear, responding to Y/n, as Mina tightly held onto Y/n's body. Mina tried keeping her eyes shut.

"Hell I know holding onto my secretary like this is wrong but I am willing to do it if that means I won't be flung out of this boat. Like jeez, who knows what creatures can be hiding under the water. Absolutely terrifying..." Mina thought to herself, trying to justify the reason why she was holding onto Y/n.

"It's okay, Mina," Y/n placed her arms around Mina's body tightly as she was trying to calm her down.

"Ma'am, you can go on now." The guy in the back of the boat told Mina as he was setting up the parachute for Mina and Y/n.

"Is this where I die? Is this where I get to go to heaven? Because I know darn well I will drown if I go into the ocean." Mina thought.

"Okay," Y/n replied, with a heavy Korean accent, as she slowly walked Mina over to the end of the boat.

Mina refused to look at the end of the boat, she was truly terrified.

"Ma'am, you both can go at the same time." The guy spoke as Y/n glanced at Mina.

"I-I think it'd be best if w-we both go at the same t-time," Mina replied as her voice was shaky.

Y/n chuckled as she was staring at her face. Mina was not taking any of Y/n's BS. Mina was wondering how Y/n could be so happy about parasailing.

Mina's face looked almost as if she was close to seeing the light. Mina felt like she was in some sort of dream.

"Alright, sit here and make sure to correctly buckle up." The guy told Mina and Y/n as slowly but surely they got secured onto the straps.

"This thing is going to hold me?!" Mina's eyes widened as she panicked, her heart was racing but not in a romantic way. It was more in the, "I'M GOING TO DIE!!!" way.

"It is. Don't worry. It'll hold you just fine." Y/n rubbed Mina's arm with her hand as Mina was tightly clinging onto her other arm.

"Y/N, IF I DIE TELL MY PARENTS I LOVE THEM!" Mina was speaking fast as she was closing her eyes.

"We are going to let you go now." The worker said as he let go of the harness and allowed the parachute to fly.

Mina and Y/n were in the air as they felt the sudden change.

"We are in the air, Mina! Open your eyes!" Y/n seemed to be enjoying the breezy weather as Mina opened her eyes and glanced around the ocean.

"W-Woah... we really are in the air..." Mina was amazed, the view from the top was spectacular and breath taking. The air was apparent but not too loud.

Mina realized how peaceful it was, it was truly relaxing to her. She began relaxing and calmed down as Y/n was still tightly holding onto her and rubbing her arm to calm her down.

"You did it, Mina!" Y/n proudly said as she smiled at Mina.

"I-I did it!" Mina cheered for herself as Y/n chuckled.

"It's super peaceful and nice up here," Mina commented as her face lit up glancing at the dolphins swimming by.

"You're so cute, Mina." Y/n told Mina as she was staring at her.

"H-Hey... What was that for?" Mina was blushing, she loved hearing Y/n's flirtatious comments and couldn't help smiling at them.

"I- Uh. I said something? I think that was the wind." Y/n glanced away looking on the side.

"Anyways, it feels like we are on top of the world." Y/n slowly closed her eyes, smiling as she was feeling the wind blow against her.

Mina couldn't help but think, "Wow, Y/n is so beautiful... She is absolutely a work of art, I love being with her and seeing her."

"W-What are you looking at?" Y/n caught Mina staring as Mina began blushing.

"O-Oh nothing!" Mina awkwardly chuckled.

Y/n then let go of Mina's arm as Mina was alarmed. Instead, Y/n held onto Mina's hand tightly.

Mina wondered since when has Y/n been ever so forward in her actions.

Y/n couldn't help but hold her hand because she truly loves Mina, her cute reactions, her flustered actions, Y/n loved every part of Mina. She just wanted to hold onto her hand forever.

But then, the guy pulled Mina and Y/n back onto the boat as Mina was not as fearful anymore. She still held onto Y/n but she felt more free than ever.

These two ended up experiencing a new type of freedom that they weren't allowed to have due to their restricting lives. They realized that with one another, they live a more free life.

When they realized this, it was when they realized they truly had strong feelings for one another.

As the ride went back to the beach, they spent the rest of the day talking about their interests and about what they have planned for their future.

The night came to an end as they both went to sleep in the hotel.

The next day came as they flew back to Korea as it was the end of their trip and time for their lives to go back to reality. Everything was going to go back to normal.

Or so they thought...

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