Getting Ready

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Annabeths POV

    Did I seriously just do that? I thought as I walked through my front door. I don't even know why I kissed him. I mean, it was only on the cheek, but still! What if he hates me now. No, he would never hate you. I tried to tell myself.

    Even though thinking about that is great right now, I have bigger problems. The house was pretty quiet so I'm guessing that everyone either went out, or my brothers aren't home and neither is my stepmom. I crept through the house just in case Helen was home, and I made my way to my dads office.

    I reached the door and noticed that it was open a crack, so I knocked on the door and was relieved when my father told me to come in.

    "Hi Dad," I said.

    "Hello Annabeth, your mother has told me that you ran out of the house and didn't come back for the night. Why would you do that?" He asked me.

    Wow, very forward. I thought. "Well, to put it plainly, she was being rude," I said

    "Well I hardly believe that, Annabeth," he replied.

    I became angry, but I calmed myself, just like Percy told me.

    "Dad, you don't see it, but she says all of these things about me. Really mean things that just make me insecure about myself. That night, I just couldn't handle the abuse anymore, so I left to go somewhere I felt safe. You always told me if I don't feel safe in a situation I shouldn't stay there. So that's exactly what I did," I finished my rant.

    He stood there wide eyed. Like it was just dawning on him that his wife's words might actually have an impact.

    "Annabeth I'm so sorry that you had to go through this. And I'm even more sorry I was too blind to see it. I will talk to Helen, and if she says anything else, come straight to me," he said.

    For once, I felt hope. Hope that I wouldn't have to endure any more abuse from Helen. As touching as this moment was, I thought it would be a good time to ask about Jason's party. I thought it was cute how Percy asked for silent permission to see if I wanted to go. Or at least I think that's what the glance was for.

    "Oh Dad, one more thing. My new friend Jason is having a little party/movie night with all of our friends, girls and guys. And I was wondering if I could go, it's on Friday. Oh and Percy from next door is going," I asked with pleading eyes, hoping he would say yes so I didn't look lame in front of everyone.

    He looked like he was contemplating for a second, "Alright, but be home by 12:30 at the latest and no funny business. Also, no drinking," he said.

    "Yay! Thanks Dad!" I gave him a hug and ran up to my bedroom.

    I sat at my desk and contemplated on what to do. I decided to try and finish my homework since nothing really seemed like a better option.

    After a while of doing my Algebra homework I got bored so I decided to text Percy.

A: hey :)

    After a minute I got a response.

P: hey wise girl, what's up?

A: nothing much, I'm just bored of algebra and I wanted to see what you were up to.

P: okok hold on.

    Another minute passed.

P: ok look out your window.

    I raised an eyebrow but went over to my window anyways and pulled back the curtains. There across the space between our houses was Percy. He waved and I laughed. Then he mouthed, open your window. So I did.

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