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Percys POV

    School was absolutely draining. I thought high school was hard. Talk about college! At least it was the last year, which meant that I would be totally finished with school.

    If you were wondering, Annabeth and I are no longer neighbors. We moved into our new apartment together two years ago and it's been great. No more rules, well, except that I can't be a total slob because Annabeth will just get mad.

    As I walked up the steps of our apartment building, I felt like I was walking into some sort of news. I don't know whether it would be good or bad, but I had a feeling of something being revealed when I walked through the door.

    I put the key in the lock just to figure out it was already open. I walked inside and the house was completely quiet. I started to panic, Annabeth was supposed to be home.

    "Annabeth? Are you here?" I said.

    "In here," she called from the bathroom.

    I was super confused at this point. What the heck was going on?

    I walked into the bathroom to find Annabeth sitting on the floor, she had puffy eyes like she was crying, I couldn't tell if it was happy or sad.

    "Hey, what's wrong?" I said bending to sit beside her.

    She put her head in her hands and handed me a rectangular box type thingy. I had no idea what it was, it was all white with a weird pink cap on one end. It also had a little cut out that had two pink lines in the centre. I looked at the box that was on the side of the counter and registered what it was.

    "Is this?" I asked.

    "Yes, Percy what if I'm going to be a bad mother?"

    "What! Annabeth don't even say that. You are going to be the best mother that any kid could ask for. And besides, you'll have me too, you're not alone," I said, pulling her in to give her a hug.

    "Okay, we'll do this together," she said.

*time skip*

"Zoë! Come downstairs you're going to be late for school," I called up the stairs.

"Coming Dad!" Zoë said.

I heard footsteps above be and pretty soon after Zoë, my daughter came running down the stairs. She had blonde hair like Annabeth, but she got my eyes, she was the most adorable little kid I have ever seen. She was followed by Annabeth shortly after.

"Hey! Are you ready for your first day of kindergarten?" I asked.

"Oh you bet! But I am a little scared I won't make friends," she said.

"Don't be scared, you are the nicest and smartest little girl out there. Everyone is going to want to be your friend," Annabeth said.

"Yeah, and if anyone gives you a hard time, don't hesitate to kick their butts!" I said.

"Percy!" Annabeth elbowed me in the side.

"I mean, uh... listen to your mother."

Annabeth grinned and kissed me.

"Ewwwww," Zoë whined.

We laughed and gathered our things to drop Zoë off at school.

When we pulled up, Zoë was really excited. She hopped out of the car and Annabeth and I helped her with her backpack and finding her class. The school wasn't too big, and it had a separate spot for the younger grades.

"Bye mommy, bye dad," Zoë gave each of us a hug before running into her classroom to play with the other kids.

I started to tear up. It wasn't that long ago she was born, but time flies so fast. Soon enough she'll be in high school, then college and then she'll have a family of her own.

"Oh don't be such a baby, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth grabbed my hand as we walked back towards the car.

"I'm sorry, It's just not everyday you get to see your little baby go off to kindergarten," I chuckled.

"Yeah, but we've still got quite a while to go," She smiled.

I turned to face her, she still looked as beautiful as the day I first saw her through my window. I never would have thought that it would end this way. Even though we've come this far, we still had so much left to live for.

"I love you, Wise Girl," I said.

"I love you too, Seaweed Brain."



finally this is complete. If you've stuck around this long, I thank you so much.

It means a lot to know that people actually read what I put out there. Hopefully I'll have more work coming in the future, so stay tuned for that.

Thank you for reading, don't forget to vote!

- Izzy

I have you, you have me - NEIGHBORS (percabeth au)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum