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Annabeths POV

    On the drive home I was a nervous wreck. I felt more alive and awake since I left the hospital and I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. My dad stayed quiet, he was muttering things to himself, probably prepping for what he was going to say to Helen.

    How would she react? The undeniable truth was surfacing, Helen was one sorry excuse for a step-mother. I had to endure her criticism and abuse for years, no one should have to go through that. I only realized how bad the situation had gotten until the recent events surrounding Percy unfolded. I'm glad that we at least told each other, but some people just keep it to themselves. There should always be someone in your life that you can trust.

    We pulled into the driveway and I noticed that Helens car was parked in the garage. It was kind of late so the boys would be home as well. My dad got out of the car, I was starting to panic, what if she denied it all and my dad thought I was just trying to get rid of her? Would he even believe me? I jerked when my dad knocked on the window.

    I hopped out of the car and walked behind my dad into the house. When we walked into the living room Helen was sitting on the couch scrolling on her phone. When she noticed we were home, she shut off her phone and turned to face us with the fakest smile I have ever seen plastered in her face.

    "Hello Fredrick, was there something you wanted to discuss?" She said, not breaking her Cheshire grin.

    "Yes, and I want to make it very clear I will not allow you to manipulate me, what I have to say is final," My father said.

    "Okay then," her smile faltered a bit, she seemed to notice I was still there. "This doesn't concern you Annabeth, go run along and try to be smart for once."

    A smug grin spread across my face, I glanced at my dad and he looked furious.

    "Helen, I'd tell you to be careful what you say, but you're already screwed," I said, trying my best to put as much distaste as I could into my voice.

    Helen seemed to catch on a bit and she turned as white as a ghost.

    "Wh-wh. I don't even-She's lying!" She sputtered.

    "Helen save it, I had a lot of things I wanted to say to you, but to put it simply, get out. I don't want you coming anywhere near me or my daughter ever again. If you don't leave peacefully I will call the police and have you arrested for verbal and physical child abuse. You have until tonight to get out," My dad raged.

    I honestly started to tear up. Since I was eight I have longed to hear those words come out of his mouth. I was filled with joy when Helen simply nodded and went upstairs to pack her things. No more Helen, meant a free life. Nothing else could hurt me.

    *time skip to the next morning*

    I woke up the next morning to the sun shining through my drapes and the birds chirping. For once I felt the weight lift off my shoulders. Helen had left with Bobby and Matthew late last night and they went to Helens parents house. The house was calm and less tense than it had been before.

    It was Sunday so no one had school, I was supposed to meet Piper and the rest of my friends at school, but I texted Piper earlier saying that I wouldn't be there because I was going to see Percy at the hospital.

    I got dressed in some jeans and a green hoodie and walked downstairs. There was a small mumble of a conversation coming from the kitchen so I wandered into the room to investigate.

    Sally and my dad were talking at the counter, just normal least I think. I was kind of suspicious when they stopped talking immediately after seeing me walk into the kitchen. I could tell that my dad was holding back a smile as well as Sally. They must have been talking about me. I thought to myself.

I have you, you have me - NEIGHBORS (percabeth au)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat