The Party

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Percys POV

    At lunch, Annabeth told me she was walking home with Piper and the girls to 'get ready' for the party or whatever that means. I decided to just text my mom and go straight to Jason's. I may as well help him set up and make snacks and stuff.

    When the school bell rang I made my way to my locker to get some of my homework and then I'd meet Jason in the parking lot. I was just collecting my things when all of a sudden I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see a girl with frizzy red hair and green eyes. I'm pretty sure she was in my art class, but I'm not completely positive.

    "Hey, I'm Rachel, I think you are in my art class and I was just wondering if maybe you wanted to hang out sometime?" Rachel asked.

    I was a bit hesitant to answer. I didn't know if she thought it would be a date or not, because I really like Annabeth, so I don't really want to be going on dates. It might give Annabeth the wrong idea, if she really does like me back that is.

    "I mean if you don't want to it's fine," she said looking a bit disappointed.

    "Look, Rachel, you seem like a really nice girl, but I kind of like someone else," I said.

    She looked like she was thinking about who it could be, then she gave a little grin.

    "Well, I know that. You like that blonde girl you're always around. I understand, but maybe we could just be friends? You seem like a cool guy and I don't have many friends," Rachel said.

    Was it really that obvious I liked Annabeth? Does she know that I do?

    "Okay, that would be nice. You seem cool too, you seem like a great artist too," I replied.

    "Thanks," she smiled. "Well I guess I'll catch you later then!" She said and took off down the hallway towards the door.

    "See ya!" I called after her.

    I finished getting my things from my locker and made my way out the door and to Jason's car. We drove to his house and when we got inside we played on his Xbox for a bit and then decided it would be best to start getting everything ready.

    Jason went to get the snacks in order and I went to grab a whole bunch of blankets and pillows. Once I grabbed a good amount, I went back into the living room and placed pillows all over the floor and spread blankets everywhere. It looked pretty good to me and I was proud of myself, so I left to help Jason with the snacks.

    "Hey Bro, I set out all the blankets and stuff. Need help with the snacks?" I asked.

    "Yeah, I accidentally burned the popcorn so maybe you could make a new batch while I bring these out," he said, gesturing towards the other bowls filled with chips and party mix.

    "Sure thing, man." I chuckled a bit. How could you burn popcorn? It just goes in the microwave!

    We finished setting up 10 mins before everyone was about to show up. Five minutes later, Leo and Frank showed up together and right at 7, the girls came.

    As they walked up I could tell they all planned their outfits carefully. And when I saw Annabeth, my jaw almost dropped. Keep cool. I told myself. She looked so beautiful, I mean, she always did, but especially tonight.

    We decided just to hang around in the living room for a bit talking about random stuff. After a while, we heard the door open and in walked Will and a very red-faced Nico. He stood a bit behind Will as if he didn't want us to see his face. It was already 7:30 so they weren't that late.

I have you, you have me - NEIGHBORS (percabeth au)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя