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We had left the church and went back to the car. Jason and Tae were deep in a conversation about something it seems important. I lost interest in the midway. The only thing I could think about was the burning question on my mind. Why was I here?

The sound of an explosion nearby brought me out of my thoughts. Thick black smoke swirls into the night sky. Jason pushed himself off the car and comes over to me. "What's happening?" I ask, worried that there was something dangerous coming our way.

"I don't know. It sounds like another attack. We have to go," I was grateful we were leaving. I didn't want to stay here any longer. As much as I wanted to go home, the best thing I could do was cooperate.

The transformer at the top of the street burst into flames. It was chaos. Darkness covers every inch of the road. The high-pitched screams of the Vendors cause me to cover my ears. I was shoved multiple times, but I found it challenging to move. 

Someone calls out for me. I recognize that the voice belongs to Jason. Then I hear Tae calling for me as well. I was about to answer, but an idea cross my mind. This was my chance. My chance to escape. It took a lot of willpower to make myself focus. When I get my feet moving, I break off into a run. I was confused due to the darkness. At least the reward for escaping was freedom.

Gunfire. The familiar sound of the rapid-fire cause all sorts of mayhem. I was shoved by an unseen force in the process. I tumble to the ground. It was at times like this that I deeply regret my life choices. I should have stayed with Jason and Tae despite being held against my will. Now I was on the ground, helpless and weak. My body obviously didn't fully recover from the explosion, and it was highly unlikely that I would survive another one.

A few more screams were coming from a distance away. It must have originated from those who resided at the back of the market. That meant trouble for me. If I didn't move now, I would get trampled on.

With great effort, I try my best to move but failed. At least I tried. My muscles won't listen. At that moment, I curse the cruel mastermind behind the explosion. I curse the mysterious idiot in the mask who had saved me. I curse the island's politicians for being too careless. I curse myself for being too weak to move. I hate to admit when I was wrong.

Daniel was right, he was trying to protect me, and now because I didn't listen, I would have to face the music. My mother always told me that I was an impulsive and stubborn child. I guess she was right too.

A pair of hands lift me to my feet. I feel panic spreading through my chest, giving me the strength I need to push the person away. "I'm trying to help you," an unfamiliar melodic voice says calmly. It belongs to a woman. A part of me wants to believe the words, but the other part, the logical side, wants to run and scream. I allow her to help me. The woman guides me through the darkness and the crowd of terrified people.

At the top of the road, I could see Jason standing with his arms folded. My life was just about finished once we get closer to him. I half expected him to shout but he just stood there. I couldn't tell if he's angry because there wasn't much light.  Making matters worse, the street light came back on. The one time I depend on the power service provider to fail, they didn't.

He is upset. Maybe bit annoyed. Both? I couldn't tell. The woman turns out to be a young girl, probably two years older than me. She sports a plain black shirt with the three circles printed on them. She was no doubt involved in whatever it was they did. . I didn't understand it. The whole thing was confusing. Why would she be a part of this? She looked so young.

"Found her," she tells Jason proudly.

"I'm not blind," he responds rudely, going into the car. I follow him. What else could I do? If I run away again, they would most likely drag me back by force, and god knows I can't handle any force at this moment. My head was spinning, my body felt like it had been beaten multiple times, and I was exhausted.

Jason didn't even look at me on the way back. I find out they were keeping me in Bay City . I didn't know much about the city but at least it was close to and somewhere far away like St.James or Westmoreland. I would have a field day trying to get home if I had the chance to escape.

I pay attention to the turns after we went through the Toll. I didn't remember to memorize the roads earlier since I was practically half asleep. He turns off on street with the sign 'WELCOME TO BRIDGE VIEW'. He drives a few feet off, another turn, then into a parking space.

The house was decorated with flowers. I was surprised I didn't see it before. In the dark, the paint appears red, but I could see that some parts of the walls had another color to them.

At some point, we get out of the car and walk to the house. It was then I realize that Tae was missing. "Where is Tae?" I ask, trying not to sound as if I cared too much. He didn't answer. He just kept walking. I know he heard me. I didn't ask again.

Passing a few guards, we went inside. I find myself happy to see Daniel sitting on the couch. I didn't know why I was happy, but I was. I remember he said earlier, I could go home if everything went well. I hope that everything he was talking about went his way because I didn't want to be here. I mean, it's not like anyone has tried to hurt me. All of my pain was because of my doing; that doesn't mean I wanted to stay with a group of strangers. Jason left the room, and I stare at the masked man before me.

I wonder if he sleeps in that thing.

"I'm going to take you back to the-" he stopped mid-sentence, his eyes scanning my face. "What happened to your head?" My fingers automatically found their way there;. There is blood, nonetheless no pain.

"Nothing," He made his over to me swiftly and grab my shoulders.

"Don't lie to me! When I ask you something, you are supposed to answer me!" he yells violently. I didn't even flinch. I glare at him with equal fury.

"Leave me alone! And take your hands off me!" I throw his hands off my shoulders, and he takes a step back.

"Just answer the question."

"I tried to run away."

"Why would you try to run? I told you I would let you go"

"Oh, that's what you said. Should I just take your word for it? I should trust you? The man who took my doctor's nephew and convinced her to drug me. The man who kidnapped me and force me to stay here with strangers. On top of that, these people are gang members. They murder people and I should just trust you because you saved me?!"

"YES! Because if it weren't for me you would have died!" I have concluded that I dislike him. This man is irrational and lacks the sensitivity at minimum.

"I can't trust anyone whose face I can't see. Show me your face if you want me to trust you." I say to him truthfully

"I can't do that."

I step closer to him closing the space between us, he watches my movements carefully, as if he's calculating my next move. I hook my fingers at the hem of his mask. He finches when my fingers make contract with his cheekbones. Just when my hands were about to remove his mask, he gently wraps a hand around my wrist and slowly removes them from this face.

"I would tell you if I could"

"If you can't tell me then let me go"

"I'm going to," The door opens, and one of the guards from earlier comes in. I instantly notice the small cloth in his hands.

"You are not going to put me to sleep."

"You're too talkative when your awake and you ask too many questions."

"None of which you or your gang members have answered."

He places a hand on my cheek and wiped away a tear that had escape. My heart flutters at the act but I didn't pull away. "I will be seeing you soon Jemi."

I didn't run when the guard approach me; I didn't even struggle when he places the cloth over my face. The  stinging sensation envelope my nose and my body embraced a new wavy of drowsiness.

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