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I was feeling light-headed. Regardless, I chose to find the hatch and climb down the ladder. His blue tux disappeared around the corner, I try to use the energy I had left to go after him, but I couldn't stop myself from stumbling. "Wait!" I yell, hoping he would return, but he didn't. "Jemi!" Jordon call from above.

"I'm okay!"

I slide my back down the wall and rest myself on the floor. There was no point in trying to continue running after him. The hatch opens, Jason comes down, collapse on the floor then Jordon climbs down and sits next to me.

I crawl over to Jason and check if he was breathing—he was. Jordon helps me up and then assists Jason so that he could walk. There are the sound of sirens whirling through the air, this causes Jordon to hasten our steps.  

We found Kayla in Jordon's room, crying over Dash's body. It takes a few seconds for her nephew to calm her down. Once is mollified, she begins to explain.

"He needs emergency care right now," she told us between sobs. "He's losing too much blood and I can't stop it. The hospital is thirty minutes away. I don't know if he has that much time."

"We'll make it," he reassures her. "Jason, wake up!"

"I'm here," Jason answers groggily. Both of them carried Dash to the car.

"Are you okay?" I questioned. I thought doctors were accustomed to seeing people on the verge of death. I wasn't accustomed to it and was doing a better job holding back the waterworks.

"I didn't even look at him when we came here. As a doctor, my priority should be saving lives, yet I was so concerned about my own that I didn't even assess his wound," She's upset with herself, there is regret in her voice. "Even with you. I put my wants before your life and handed you off to some stranger."

"You did it to save your nephew."

"It wasn't right. You were my patient and I endangered you. That man was bleeding out, and I didn't even look at him. What kind of doctor am I?"

I didn't know the words to make her feel better . She was only trying to protect Jordon. Anyone would have done the same for someone they love.

"We need to go. Dash is already in the car," Jordon urges and we left the room with him.

A line of police cars zips pass us when we departed the hotel parking lot. They didn't seem to notice us. I hope that those men were still on the roof. I prayed the police would do their job and find them. That was wishful thinking. I doubt they would even go any further than the fifth floor.

Dash was laying his head on my lap, and the rest of his body was on Kayla. I scanned his face for a few seconds. He was young. Very young. Probably twenty-one. They were all young— Jason, Jordon and Tae. Speaking of Tae, I remember I hadn't seen him since the blackout incident. I will have to question Jason about it once Dash is taken care of.

The front of the hospital is crowded with dozens of police. One of the windows on the right wing of the building was completely gone. Kayla suggested that we enter from the back to avoid attention. She takes Dash upstairs with the help of Jason. Who I noticed looked paler than usual. I heard Kayla asking him if he was feeling okay and he told her yes despite his unwell appearance.

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