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"Where are you taking me?" I ask once we pulled out of the parking lot. He didn't answer. "I talked to Michael Wade in the store," The tires screeched, and the car came to a sudden stop.

"I don't have time for jokes."

"Wasn't trying to tell you a joke. He must've been tracking me somehow. Wait, how did you find me?"

"You have a phone and it's traceable. What did he say to you?"

"He wanted to meet Atticus when he gets out."

A horn went off behind us followed by a man yelling at us to move. Jason shifts the car back into gear and starts driving again. "Is that all he said?"


"Where is your phone?" I pulled my phone out of my back pocket. "Can I see it," Once he had it, my phone was thrown out the window. I watch as it got smash into pieces by the car behind us.

"That wasn't necessary."

"I can't have Wade finding out the location of the base"

"The building is called SED. Which is not very subtle. It just screams suspicious. He would have found it if he was looking and you owe me a new phone." He raise an inconspicuous brow at me.

"I'm serious."

"That's on you. You got yourself kidnapped by your Westsyde friend and let him get your number. So that's your problem," Usually I like Jason, he's tolerable. Him being smart and responsible and all but in moments such as this one, he was annoyingly mean.

"Whatever. Why am I here?"

"The police are going to question you and Amelia about the night the mayor died"

"Why? I didn't see anything."

"They don't know that which is why they need to question you"

Butterflies fluttered in my stomach, I was nervous. If I became a suspect, my chances of going to prison were high. The police never did their jobs properly, one wrong word and they could hold me without even investigating my statement thoroughly.


"How did they find out that I was there? We weren't exactly workers"

"I tipped them off."

My mouth hang open in disbelief. They were up to something and I didn't want any part of it.

"Are you crazy? Have you completely lost your mind!" He's silent and I have the urge him to grab him, and shake the very life from his body.

"They are going interview the same station they are holding Atticus. You and Amelia will cause a distraction while my team breaks him out,"

That sounded dangerous but I sensed that I didn't have a choice in the matter. Hopefully, they won't fail.


Sitting in the interrogation room wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. After all, I was only a witness, not a suspect. Though Jason warned me to assume that they are thinking of me as a suspect. I was to be careful and try not perjure myself. I was, to tell the truth and nothing but the truth.

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