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This so-called assignment Daniel tasked me with was anything but simple. Simple, oh, how I wish it were. He sent Amelia and me to an exclusive restaurant in St. Maris. Simple, right?


He forgot to mention the fact that Atticus was meeting with the Mayor of the Valley. I consider that to be an essential detail. His exact words were, "All you have to do is wear the device and report what you see happening around you to Jordon "

He said nothing about Atticus being here with the Mayor. What if someone tries to poison one of them, and I failed to notice? What if someone tries to attack the restaurant? I was unprepared for those what-ifs.

Amelia is calm and collected. She appeared comfortable in her waitressing uniform while I was shaking out of fear in mine. Jordon was on the roof of the building across from us; I could hear him in my earpiece telling me everything would be okay, stick to the plan.

I didn't even know what the plan was.

The kitchen was busy; a chef barks insults and profanities at his underlings. We watched intently as the chef prepared and handled the food. The smell of mouthwatering curried chicken filled the room. I should have eaten before I came onto this assignment.

An order came in, and the grumpiest waitress I have ever seen. She shoved the tiny notebook in my hand. I quickly handed it off to Amelia because there was no way on earth I was going out there. Amelia gladly takes the order; I could tell she wanted to escape the heated kitchen.

The waitress who handed me to book starts hovering over a food tray. I begin questioning my vision as I saw her pour a brown liquid into the cocktails. I have only seen this stuff in movies. She walks past me with a mischievous grin.

I stuck my head out the door; she was making a beeline towards Atticus's table. "Jordon, something is wrong." I whispered. I thought he wouldn't hear me; thankfully, he did.

"What's up?"

"That woman put something in their food,"

Amelia heard the conversation; she reacted quickly by accidentally bumping into the woman, which resulted in the waitress spilling onto the floor.  Her cheeks were aflame as if she was about to explode. Amelia helped her pick up the broken pieces of glass and carry them back to the kitchen.

The waitress went to the backroom; Amelia signals with her eyes that we should follow her. Or maybe I got it wrong.

"Shouldn't you two be working," she stated with venom, still trying to get the stain out of her white uniform.

"So, which one are you?" Amelia asks indefinitely. Before the woman could react, Amelia gives her a solid blow to the head, sending her body to the floor, out cold.

"Was that necessary," I deadpan. Instead of giving me an answer, Amelia searches her and found the vile.

"Yes, it was necessary. Help me tie her up,"

"We can't do that here. Someone will see us. This place being a crowded restaurant with staff and all," I point out.

"Then closed the doors."

The sound of plates crashing made its way to the backroom. Screams, gunshots, and more screams. We both stare at each other with wide eyes. "You two need to get out of there right now!" Jordon warns. "Take the back door and meet me at the front."

"What about Atticus and the Mayor." Amelia questions, terrified.

No answer came.

"What do we do with her?"

"Take her back to Daniel and let them interrogate her," Amelia suggests.

I carry her arms while Amelia did the same with her legs. This was not how I imagined spending my Friday night. How did I even get here? Simple assignment he says, wear the device he says, you'll be fine, he says. I'm a long way from being fine; carrying a woman that weighed a ton was far from ordinary. This was insane.

The cool air made me feel somewhat better. Did we knock out a waitress? The act made me feel sick. I dropped the woman's hands, causing her body to land on the hard, cold ground. With one swift move, I rushed to the bin at the back. The contents of my stomach were empty. Amelia came over to me and patted my back.

"Imagine if were a dead body."

The thought of carrying a dead body made me hurl again, which I did. "Oh, sorry," she apologizes, noticing that her words added to my discomfort.

"We have to get going," We picked up the waitress once more and got to the front as Jordon instructed.

I was relieved when we tossed her into the back of the black SUV. I wasn't cut out for this. All I could think about was that the woman saw our faces. If we hand her over to Daniel, she will die for sure. If we let her go, which wasn't possible, she would give our identities to the person who sent her. That could be Wade.

I would prefer not bringing someone to their death but at the same time, getting hunted or kidnapped wasn't a great choice either.

I wouldn't say I like this. Was this what I meant when I said I wanted to feel useful? No, I don't think so. I have a better chance in politics than going on any more of these assignments. I'm literally talking this woman to her death.

"Jemi, come on."

Mindlessly, I enter the van. The engine came alive; we drifted off. Red and blue flashs past us, and sirens wailed. I didn't know what exactly transpired at the restaurant; I prayed that Atticus was alive. The gunshots echoed in my mind again. My heart skipped a beat.

"You don't look too good," Amelia's voice sounds distant; my head slowly falls on the window.

"I'm okay," I reassured her in a soft tone.

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