Chapter 3: Life & Love

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swearing | kissing | oogies | love | hate | sadness | idk

(a/n: hey you guys. im rlly tired rn so im just gonna say i hope yall like the little backstory i made for katara :))


"Katara, they need you on stage for your yearly inspirational speech," Tylee giggled, throwing me a wireless microphone. I giggled and caught it, getting up. Aang squeezed my hand and I blushed, giving Tylee a knowing look. She smirked and nodded, pulling Aang up and towards the area where they would watch me dance from backstage.

Shit. In this speech I say that I was in love with Aang younger. I mean, yeah, I still am, but that's not in the speech. Fuck you Tylee. Honestly.

I went out onto the stage after redoing my makeup and hair and putting on the oversized studio t-shirt. I gripped the microphone and squinted my eyes as everyone cheered and the lights fixed on me.

"Hey!" Wow, that microphone is loud. "Ok, hey everyone! I'm Katara L'eau. If you don't know me, I'm a world-famous dancer in all types." Someone in the crowd, probably the front row, shouted "can you do a front flip?" Everyone started laughing, including me, and I nodded. "Yes, I can do a front flip. You want me to do one right now?"

Everyone nodded and cheered. I turned to Tylee on the sides, Aang next to her, and grinned as they both nodded with a goofy look on their faces. I grinned and gripped my mic, backing up a little bit and quickly doing a random flip on the stage.

Everyone cheered, and after a minute of me standing there like an idiot, I finally spoke. "Ok. So I wasn't always a great dancer. Especially when I was little... anyways, that's what I'm here to talk about. I'm here to tell you guys one thing: The only thing you need to believe in someone is to love someone." More cheers. I turned to Aang, who gave me a confused look. I just nodded and gave him a knowing look.

"So to make a quick backstory, I was pretty much bullied my whole life. In pre-school, I was bullied because of my dancing. The little 3, 4, and 5-year-olds thought I, a 5-year-old, was a bad dancer. Now if that isn't stupid I don't know what is." Everyone started laughing a little bit as I turned up the mic a notch and continued.

"Then in kindergarten, for some stupid reason, I was made fun of for my singing? I don't even know-" More laughter. I turned to Tylee who was giggling, Aang was smiling at me. I giggled and turned back to the crowd. "Ok, then 1st grade, I was made fun of because I wanted to be a dancer. In 2nd grade, I was made fun of because I wanted to be a dancer. In 3rd grade, I was made fun of because I wanted to be a dancer.

"In fourth grade, I had one friend who told me I would be the best dancer of the century, but everyone else made fun of me because I wanted to be a dancer. Now can y'all guess what happened in 5th grade?" Everyone simultaneously said, "you were bullied because you wanted to be a dancer." I started laughing and shook my head.

"No! I wasn't! I actually had two amazing friends who stood up to all my bullies and told me that I would be the best dancer of the century! One of them is the one from fourth, and the other is a new kid who was nice to me!"

Everyone laughed as I smirked. "And then 6th grade? Guess." Rumours and murmurs were heard around the audience. "Well, both those girls left me because in September of my 6th-grade year, one of my bullies posted a video of me dancing to hip-hop music with my headphones in, and he put lyrical music in the background."

Everyone laughed. "So both the girls left me because it was embarrassing to be my friend because of that video, and I was literally all alone. At the age of twelve, I had no friends and nothing in my life. I knew I still wanted to be a dancer, obviously, so I went back to my other friend- Aang.

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