Chapter 1 Loyalty

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Chapter 1


“You can’t have her, Davy Jones!” Mama raging voice filled the entire Dutchman.

His tentacles bouncing from his face, Davy Jones chucked wickedly. “A deal’s a deal, Alyson. After the mutiny your husband became captain. Now, it’s time to keep your end of the bargain.” He shifted his gaze down to me. “The girl is mine.”

“Can’t you undo it?” Mama pleaded, grasping my shoulders. “Make Jack Sparrow captain again. I don’t care anymore. I have no intention of returning to that ship.”

“I afraid it’s too late for that.” He stepped closer to us, his wooden stick he used for a leg, thumping, as he bushed his clawed hand across my cheek. “Not to worry, Alyson. I have no intension of harming the child. She will be very useful to me. My one connection to the living world.” He shifted his gaze back to Mama. “Now, if you don’t want anyone to get hurt, I suggest you leave and trust that your daughter is in good care.”

Rivers of tears streaming from Mama’s eyes she turned to face me, kneeling down on her knees. “Aurora, I am so, so sorry.”

“Do I have to stay, Mama?” I squeaked, feeling my body freeze.

Quietly sobbing, Mama nodded. “I’m afraid so until I find a way to get you out of this mess.” She once again grasped my shoulders firmly. “Aurora, I want you to look at me.”

I met her eyes.

“I promise I will come back for you as soon as I can. I won’t allow my daughter to be raised by sea monsters on this god-forbidden ship. My promise to you, I will find a way to get you back and we will find a place upon land to live, where he will be unable to reach us.”

I frowned. “But I like the sea, Mama.”

She smiled as best she could as she gently touched my cheek. “It’s insensible to live at the sea, darling. I was a fool when I first met your father. We will be much happier on land. I will come back for you, I promise.”

I promise. Mama sure seemed to say that a lot from I remember. That was my last memory of her. As she floated away from the Flying Dutchman, she stood, wearing a deep maroon gown, gazing at me mouthing the words ‘I promise.’ Empty words. I have not seen her since. That was nearly three years ago. I was almost four years of age at the time, I think. At sea, no one really keeps track of when they were born. I’m not even sure how old I am now. All I know is I’m still little, almost half the height of Davy Jones.

When Mama first left me here I use to dream of the day when she would come back and take me away from this ship filled of sea monsters. Those days are long over. Since then, I have given up hope of ever seeing her again. Now, I’m not even sure if I want to leave. Sure, it was scary here at first, but after enough time goes by, a person can get use to anything.I’ve even come to enjoy the adventures the sea has to offer. I could not imagine life on trapped on land. What a bore.

After several months, I have grown quite numb to watching more and more souls being lured to the Dutchman after the Kraken devour their ships. Most people, the longer they are aboard the Dutchman, begin to transform and become part of the ship. I, however, still appear as a normal little girl with sandy blonde wavy hair and deep tan skin.I suppose this could be because I didn’t make the deal myself. Davy Jones says my regular appearance will be useful to him later. I wonder how much later he means. I would much like to do something useful now. Davy Jones has taught me everything I need to know about the sea. I am certain I’m perfectly capable of doing whatever he is waiting for me to do when I’m older.

The organ’s music filled the air. I can feel the floor of the ship vibrate in rhythm. I followed the sound to find Davy Jones playing his heart out, his tentacles and claws flying amongst the keys. I crawled under his arm on his lap to join him in music. Together, our melody swept throughout the entire Dutchman. Once we simultaneously stopped, Davy Jones turned me around in his lap to face him.

“You are improving,” he stated proudly. “One day you will be able to play even better than me.”

“I doubt that,” I mumbled but still grinned at the compliment. “I do learn from the best.”

He remained silent, gazing at his locket. He sure looks at that thing an awful lot.

As I turned back to face the organ, I continued, “I do learn quite a lot from you. A lot I can put to use if you would let me.”

His claws fiddled with my hair as he responded, “You will be useful to me one of these days, Aurora. But first, I must be sure I have your absolute loyalty.”

I turned my head back to face him. “Who else do I have to be loyal to, Davy Jones?”

“Your mother tried to go back on the bargain,” Jones pointed out.

“Perhaps she just did not understand,” I uttered softly before my tone changed to confidence. “But I do. Because of the deal, my father is now captain of the Black Pearl while I remain here. I have accepted that for a long time.”

“Have you now?” Davy Jones stroked his own tentacles as he thought. “So, what kind of task were you thinking of doing?”

“Whatever proves my loyalty,” I muttered while fiddling some more with the organ.

For a few more moments, Davy Jones continued to ponder until he finally stated, “I think I have an idea of something you could do for me.”

I gazed up at him, my brown eyes pleading for him to elaborate.

He stroked my hair gently. “Tell me, Aurora, have I told you anything about the Aztec gold?”

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