Chapter 6 Jack Sparrow

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Chapter 6

Jack Sparrow

Anxiety foamed up within me as I found my way to Tortuga, the place Jack Sparrow currently lingered. I knew Davy Jones would not approve of this. He seems to have intense hatred for Sparrow for whatever reason. I, however, was fascinated about the stories I have been told of this man. I must see what he is like for myself. I will just have to deal with whatever consequences when I return to the Dutchman. A thought then came to me. Unless, there was some sort of way I could not have to return.

Tortuga turned out to be a place filled with laughter, drunkenness, and the every so often violence. I could definitely see how this would be the kind of place for pirates to settle. I wonder where Jack lingered.

As I searched I grabbed an apple off one of the tables. The men there fell so drunk they did not even notice me take it. The fruit’s juices clenched my throat soothingly. I rarely ever get to eat this kind of food so I have come to savor these moments.

I then spotted a man with long dark hair in dreadlocks, red bandanna, and a pistol strapped around his waist. This had to be him. Within his arms he held a woman with blonde, curly hair, kissing her pressed against the wall.

I grinned as I confidently walked over to them. “Jack Sparrow I presume.”

Barely glancing at me he stopped kissing for just moment to mutter, “Captain Jack Sparrow.”

“Very well,” I contended. “Captain Jack Sparrow, may I speak with you?”

“Jack,” the woman inquired during the pauses of their making out. “Who is this girl?”

“I don’t know, love,” Jack said softly as he seemed to be under the impression that if he ignored me I would go away.

I rolled my eyes as he continued to kiss her, trying to think of some way to make this woman go away. Smiling smugly, I thought of something.

“I’m his daughter,” I announced proudly.

The woman jerked herself out of Jack’s embrace. “You never told me you had a daughter!”

“I didn’t know I had one,” Jack slurred weakly.

The woman raged on, “That’s because you probably left your lover before she had a chance to tell you, and you were planning on doing the same to me, weren’t you?”

“Come, now, Giselle…” Jack began but before he could say anything more, Giselle violently slapped him across the face before storming off in flames.

I covered my mouth to hide my grin as I finally had his full attention.

He turned to face me as he stumbled over closer, saying, “You, my dear, have ruined my moment.”

I crossed my arms. “You will have other moments in the future.”

“Yes,” he consented though still waved both arms sloppily towards the direction Giselle left. “But I will never again have that moment.”

Aurora Barbossa (A Pirates of the Caribbean Story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora