Chapter 15 Curiosity

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Chapter 15


As it turned out, the key we so desperately needed was hidden within Davy Jones’ tentacles this entire time. He revealed it when Will challenged him to a game of Liar’s Dice. Before now, I never thought anything useful could come from that game. Now, the trick is getting the key from Jones.

We waited until we were sure Jones had fallen to his slumber before acting. I ordered most of the crewmembers either to bed or positioned away from Davy Jones’ chambers. Young Will Turner planned on sneaking in there and somehow smuggling the key away from Jones, as his mind was currently lost in dreams. I stood guard by Jones’ room door as Will went in. I honestly do not know how he plans on getting that key without disturbing the captain of the Dutchman, but one thing for sure is that if I hear even the slightest stir from Davy Jones I am bolting to the other side of the ship. I still cannot believe I got dragged into this whole thing in the first place.

“Got it,” I heard Will whisper as he emerged from the room.

I nodded and we proceeded to the side of the Dutchman where Bootstrap waited for us. The temptation to back out still surfaced my mind, but I tried to sink it down. Before we left, Will swear an oath to his father that he will do whatever it takes to see that the knife he held in his hand pierces the heart of Davy Jones. I could not imagine ever desiring to risk that much for someone else but I suppose it is partially because I do not share the same tender feelings for my own father as Will does for his.

We then both got in to the lifeboat and sailed away from the Flying Dutchman undiscovered. I then felt water flowing by my feet.

“This boat has a leak,” I grumbled.

“We’ll have to get off,” Will said calmly.

“And where are we suppose to go?” I demanded. “We can’t swim all the way to the island.”

Will moved his eyes straight ahead and pointed. “There, that ship. We can swim over there and take refuge.”

I gazed over at the ship with white sails. “If they figure out who I am they will throw us both overboard.”

“You said no one ever recognizes you,” Will reminded me. “What other option do we have?”

I let out a sigh. “I suppose you’re right.”

We abandoned the sinking lifeboat and swam to the ship. Fortunately, the sailors seemed friendly enough to want to help us.

“Where are you two going?” a sailor asked us politely.

“We need to get to land,” Will panted, clearly thinking of Jones.

I nodded in agreement. Davy Jones, being only permitted one day on land every ten years, would not be able to reach us there. Unfortunately, that rule did not apply to the rest of the crew.

“George, what are you doing?” another sailor whispered to the one to helped us. “You know its bad luck to have a woman on board.”

Aurora Barbossa (A Pirates of the Caribbean Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang