Chapter 5 First Recruit

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Chapter 5

First Recruit

As Davy Jones warned me, it is taking quite a while for everyone to accept me as second in command of the Flying Dutchman. He told me I just had to give it time. When I get older, I will be taken more seriously. I just wish I did not have to wait so long.After all, I did lead the pirates of the Black Pearl to cursed treasure. What more must I do to prove myself?

The imprint of Barbossa’s face remained a permanent portrait in my mind. All I can do now was just force myself not to think of it. I told myself over and over I should not feel guilty. Even though Barbossa was not the one that sold me out, I still barely knew my father. There is no reason I should feel any attachment to him. Besides, had he the opportunity he might have made the same deal with Jones.

I stood on top deck watching as the next group of poor wretched souls struck deal with Davy Jones offering their service. Jones can never have too many workers enslaved to him.

Then a thought came to me. Maybe if I were to somehow get a soul for this ship all by myself I will come closer to gaining the respect I deserve. Davy Jones has increased my abilities. Now, I can go wherever I please so long as I return. I did receive warning that if I attempted to escape the Dutchman I would face severe consequences. Not that that really mattered to me since I did not have anywhere else to go. I still have no idea where my mother is if she even remains in the world of the living. With my newly heightened senses and ability to travel about as I pleased it was possible I could locate her if I wanted, but I fear I may not be able to leave. Even upon discovering her betrayal I still could not bring myself to hate her. My only memory of her is her trying to protect me, promising me no matter what she will come back for me. Perhaps Mama acted as she did because Barbossa put too much pressure on her to help him rise to the top.

Remembering what I want from here, I used my senses to see if I could find anything or anyone lost at sea. Perhaps a shipwreck filled with people desperate to avoid the afterlife lay about in the seas waiting.

Closing my eyes, I waited until I felt something. I gazed down into the ocean in front of me. Someone is down there, not yet dead, but how is that possible? There was no way a person could rest upon the bottom of the ocean and still be alive, but my senses told me a soul remains trapped down at sea.

Even with my doubt, I dove into the ocean to find out exactly who or what I was sensing. I’ve only just been given my new abilities. It’s possible they may not work just as I suspect but I had to find out for sure. Then I did spot something that appeared to be a cannon tied to the shoelace of a man floating above it somehow still alive. As I swan closer I saw that the man was Bootstrap. Now, everything made more sense. Because of the curse, he could not die. He would be forever trapped here in the ocean. I smiled, betting he will do anything to escape this dreadful fate.

First untying this hands then his bootstrap, I wrapped my arms around him as far as they will go pulling him up and onto the ship.

“Aurora,” he gasped still choking on the air.

“Hello again, Bootstrap,” I greeted brightly while smirking. “Welcome to the Flying Dutchman, or what I like to call, home.”

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