25. Carpe Diem

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[⚠️Sextual Activities Alert]
I am not good at it. So don't expect much, also don't hate me,if you can.


Sean and Yibo pass the main door. Zo was waiting for them, she comes to them. Mr Kang also comes out.

"Yibo are you ok?"

"I'm ok, Zo."

Sean appears behind him. It's the first time of him coming here, he could not talk to Zo well before too. He clears his throat. "ahem! I' here."

"I can see that," Zo replies.

Sean asks, "How are you?"

"Didn't die this time too," Zo replies with a shrug.

"Yea, Even the Satan doesn't want you to the hell..." Sean comments.

"Hmm. It's better as long as Satan doesn't get liking in me." Zo replies. 

Mr Kang is puzzled a little. What's with these conversations? He comes forward to greet Sean. It's his house, and Sean came here for the first time after all. He moves his hand and puts in some gestures. Yibo interprets it for Sean.
"Welcome. It's a great delight to see you again. Makes yourself home."

"Jun, it's fine he doesn't need a fancy greeting. He rarely enters other's home from front door anyway..." Zo says.

"I'm not the same anymore." Sean protests.

"Oh... But you still don't need a welcome to be here." Zo says and she takes Yibo inside.

Sean grabs Yibo's hand. "I'll look after him. I am staying here."

It's not like asking permission but demand.

Zo looks at him straightly and says, "Go on. But, it's my husband's home. Buy a house then you can bring your partner with you. And 'Care' him all you wish."

Sean bites his lips. Then he looks at Mr Kang, "Can I stay here for a while?"

Mr Kang nods three times to give his permission. Zo smirks and opens her mouth again,
"Ok, it settled. Stay in Yibo's room for a while. Or do you need two rooms? The other room is not ready for living..."

"It's fine. I'll stay with him."

"Ok great."

"You call you husband Jun?" Sean asks.

"Yea. It's his name. Name is for calling.."

"Hm... I was thinking if you call each other by special name or so." Sean says.

Yibo is a little surprised. "Is he still thinking about that pet name case?"

"Why do I need you to tell that? That should be between us more than to show!!! Ah! Don't tell me, you want one for yourself to call him?" Zo asks and points to Yibo. She is sharp, she knows Sean crystal clear.

Yibo gulps.

"Yea, right.
Don't laugh or I'll kill you." Sean says.

"Why Sean has to bring that? And as soon as he steps inside? It's very direct, doesn't he feel embarrassed at all?" Yibo screams in his head. He grips Sean's hand.

"Sean, please stop this." He says.

"Why?" Sean says. He is not embarrassed at all.

Swing [Assassin's Brother Book II] [Zhanyi] [Completed]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن