The Great Pretender

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Another evening at the Stardrop Saloon and the three friends chat about their days and gossip about trivial topics. It was a slower day so there wasn't that many patrons which let the trio goof around a little more than usual. Of course Emily had some restrictions since she was on the clock.

Adella finished her one drink for the night and paid off her tab, "Alright guys, I gotta get going."

"What?! After one drink? That's not like you, farmer." Shane exclaimed in confusion.

"Robin is building a horse stable for me and I wanna be up before she gets there tomorrow." She explained.

"Alright then," Emily nodded and started cleaning where she was sitting, "Be safe getting home."

"Will do." Adella promised before walking out of the building.

Emily softly smiles and makes her rounds of collecting empty bottles and glasses. She notices Shane slumped over his beer glass tracing his finger along the sides making designs in the condensation.

"Hey." She stated getting his attention.

He jerked up a bit exiting his trance, "Huh?"

"You seem a bit dazed, what's on your mind?" Emily asked leaning an elbow against the bar.

"Psst, I'm not dazed." Shane huffed into his glass taking a sip, "Can't you tell the difference between buzzed and dazed?"

Emily raised her eyebrows at him unimpressed by his claim. So she gave him a half-hearted response, "Yeah... and I also know that you're barely one pint in and your mood changed since Adella left." She shifted to reach her glass of water to take a sip, "You don't have to tell me if you really want to."

Shane looked away trying to hide the fact he was blushing from not being intoxicated. Fidgeting to find an excuse to get him off the hot seat. A part of him wanted get the thing off his chest but also remembers she's best friends with the person he wants to spill his guts about.

Defeated, he pleads, "Okay, if I tell you will you promise me to keep this between us?"

"Of course, I promise." She confirmed genuinely.

"Last year... I kissed Adella under the mistletoe." His cheeks flush a bright red as a pit grew in his stomach, "It was meant to be a platonic thing but now every time I see her I feel like I'm gonna explode!" Shane cried lowering his head onto the bar in embarrassment.

Emily stared down at him trying to act somewhat surprised about the mistletoe situation since she already heard the story before. It's not in his character to open up like this or even express such emotion about anything besides pizza, beer, and sports. But witnessing this influx of actual feelings made her want to tread lightly.

She lowered her head to his level and placed a hand onto his shoulder, "Hey, look at me." She gently commanded seeing him rest his chin on his arm, "I know this is a lot to take in but I think you might be developing feelings for her."

"But I can't be!" Shane growled sitting back up, "She's already in a relationship, Em. Yeah, I'm happy for her and she should be with someone who has their head on straight instead of someone like me."

Emily's heart ached hearing how he compared himself to Harvey, "Shane... that's not true."

"Oh yeah? Well tell me what is then!" He barked slamming down the rest of his drink, "She has a bright future ahead of her and I would just be slowing her down."

"Your depression doesn't make you less worthy." She started holding his hand, "You have qualities about you that make you an awesome friend and a lovely partner. You are hilarious, supportive, hard-working, and not to mention a great father figure to Jas." Emily praised.

"You're just saying that to make me feel better." Shane huffed retracting his hand.

"Would I lie about that stuff though?" She raised her shoulders, "We care about you, Shane. You don't have to be ashamed to ask for help."

"I don't need help," Shane gestured wanting another pint, "All I need is to forget that I have feelings for Adella."

"Suit yourself." She sighed cleaning the service well, "Don't forget we're here for you."

He chugged his beer before slamming it down onto the counter, "Whatever." He paid his tab then sulked his way out of the saloon.

Shane shoved his hands into the pocket of his jacket and scowled his way back home. He didn't need help with this, he could take care of this himself. It's the same solution he used on every other one of his problems. Drink his feelings away till he can't remember them.

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