Slipping through My Hands

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The sun comes up over the fog filled valley. The light shining through little dew drops making the grass sparkle on the mountain landscape. Adella woke up to morning song of nearby birds and the chill in the air. It took her moment to remember where she was the night before.

Her head resting on Shane's chest, she can hear his steady heartbeat and rhythmic breathing. She glances up at him hearing a low groan.

"Good morning." She smiles sleepily.

"Morning." He returns a smile and brushes some hair out of her face.

"We stayed out all night..." Adella yawns turning onto her back to stretch.

"Yeah we did..." He agrees not fully waken up yet.

"We stayed out all night!" She gasps quickly sitting up and reaching for her purse.

"What wrong?" Shane sits up next to her.

Adella looks at the time on her phone and goes through her notifications to find a few messages from Harvey. "We need to get going."

"What's going on?" He rubs his eyes watching her get up.

"Harvey's coming over to my house and I can already hear the hypothermia speech if I don't get there before he does." She mentions as she packs up their things.

"I already feel bored out of my mind." He grunts getting up off the ground.

They hop on Diesel and rode back to the farm. Adella hopes that Harvey isn't walking up at the same time they do. She isn't worried that he'll be jealous seeing them, in fact she can't recall a time during their relationship when he turned into the green-eyed monster. At least she didn't think he was jealous.

Adella was more worried about the appearance of them riding up to the farm. Coming home in the morning with a person who is not your boyfriend after a long night of drinking raises some major eyebrows. And it didn't help that there have been a few rumors going around town about them hanging out.

They get to stables with a few minutes to spare and Shane hops off first. Adella tries to swing her leg out of the stirrup but her shoe got caught.

"Aren't you getting off?" Shane asks not knowing she's stuck.

"I would if—I could." She grunts shaking her foot.

Adella leans over to the slide not feeling her foot slide out. She lets out a startling scream as she falls onto an unsuspecting Shane.

He groans smacking his back against the cobblestone walkway, taking the full weight of the farmer. Thankfully, his head didn't hit the ground as hard as the rest of him.

"You alright...?" Shane asks carefully lifting his head.

"I think so—ow!" Adella shifts feeling a sharp pain on her knee, "I might've fucked up my knee." She sucks on her teeth as she sits up.

"Nothing that ice can't fix." He grunts standing back up, "C'mon farmer, let's get you inside so Harvey can patch you up." He helps her up.

Her knee gave out causing her to fall on top of him again, but this time Shane was able to catch her. "Thanks for catching me that ti—" Adella was cut off by Shane unexpectedly kissing her.

She flailed her hands against his chest to make him stop, "Are you insane?! Harvey is coming here any min—"

"Adella?" A man's voice calls out to her.

Her blood ran cold recognizing it. She turned her head seeing Harvey holding an extravagant fairy rose boutique and a small wrapped gift. He looked at them with complete disbelief.

"Harvey! I-it's not what it looks like!" She pulls away from Shane and carefully limps over.

"Oh really?" Harvey stated coldly not believing her, "Because it definitely didn't look like you two were kissing just a minute ago."

"It was an accident! We—we fell and-and I—" Adella motions over to her horse trying to explain the story visually fighting back tears.

"And you couldn't help yourself!" He finished bitterly through a clenched jaw, "Were you fucking around last night because you knew I couldn't come over?" Harvey shouted.

She shook her head, letting some tears fall because of her knee. "N-no! He wanted to—to hang out and that was it!" She choked through the pain.

"You know what," he exhaled trying to keep his anger under control, "I heard rumors about you two and I ignored them because I trusted you!" Tears welled in his eyes, "But I was a fool in believing that." Harvey turns to walk off the farm.

"Harvey wait!" Adella limps over and trips on stone nearly face planting on the walkway, "Please! It was just a kiss. Nothing went further from that, I swear!" She cried shaking trying to get up.

"But you still did it, Adella!" He turns around with tears staining his cheeks. Harvey shakes his head wiping his cheek, "I loved you, dammit! I wanted to plan something special for you and this is the thanks I get!" He throws down the flowers and the present he got her in front of her.


"No, Adella!" Harvey barked, "We're done." He storms off her property.

She continued to lay there, crying into her hands. Adella wipes her eyes to find the neatly wrapped box just within arms length of her. She rips of the colorful paper revealing a jewelry box. Upon opening it, more tears spill from her eyes seeing the vibrant blue shell pendant.

Shane walks over to help her up and sees what's in the little box, "Adella..." he lets out a long sigh, "I'm so sorry..." He apologizes gently rubbing her back.

"Leave me alone, Shane." She ordered softly through her sobs.

"Don't you want hel—"

"I said leave me alone!" Adella snapped raising her voice at him, "You've helped quite enough today!" She pushes herself onto her back seeing the pant leg on her good knee is torn.

Without saying anything, Shane dismally watches her limp up the stairs and into her house before heading back to the ranch.

Back in the house, Adella sunk to the bottom of the door. Clearly in too much physical and emotional pain to move to a more comfortable spot. Demeter trots up her and starts licking her face to make her feel better.

"Oh Dee, I fucked up big time." She sniffles consoling in her furry companion.

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