Unspoken Thing

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"Alright Adella, listen to me." Adella commanded looking at herself in mirror while getting ready for her day, "There's no doubt in your mind that you love Harvey, right? Right." She confirmed starting to brush her teeth.

"Schane... ees juss ah... fend..." She mumbled before spitting out the foam, "And you need to stop falling for those sweet puppy dog eyes." Adella proclaimed at her reflection.

She brushed her hair expelling any other day dreamy thoughts about Shane while remembering some key points on directing her feelings to the doctor.

"Even though you're that man's friend, Shane is an asshole. And after that whole incident in the city we're trying to stay away from assholes." Adella recounted then letting a a long sigh, "We managed to find a great guy but still end up catching feelings for the dick!"

The farmer gripped the ends of the sink peering down into the drain. Metaphorically, watching everything spiral down if she can't control these additional feelings. Harvey spilt not only his true feelings but his fear of being alone. Adella does reciprocate her affections making it clear there's no choice. But those few moments when she's with her best friend creates that fork in road as she falls more into her romantic archetype. She needs to stay away from Shane till she sorts her feelings out.

"Game plan for today," Adella glanced back to the mirror, "Fish in places you know Shane won't be at. Sort your feelings out and maybe hope that Harvey stops by for dinner." She planned finishing up her morning routine.

She got dressed and fed Demeter breakfast before heading out to the stable. Hopped on Diesel and they took off for the beach. It was the perfect day to go to the beach, comfortably warm with gentle sea breeze and not a single cloud in the sky.

Adella can already hear Harvey in the back of her mind telling her to put on sunscreen as she got off the horse. She left him in shade just so Diesel wouldn't get too hot from standing in the sun for possibly hours.

The farmer heads down the beach with her tackle box and pole to get situated at her favorite spot in the dock. Shane ever rarely spends time at the beach but Adella couldn't shake the feeling he would show up today. Maybe it was just her paranoia taking over.

She gets to the end of the dock and casts her line into the ocean. Now the waiting game starts.

Adella contemplates more on her feelings on the two men and affirms herself to enforce a platonic relationship between her and Shane. It's very simple, just tell you understand his feelings and tell him, 'I love—' Creaking from behind her draws her attention, "Shane!" Adella exclaimed startled then immediately turned away facing the water.

"Hey there, farmer." He softly grinned walking over to her.

Every single fiber of her being frozen going into survival mode, step one of her plan failed and she needed to get out of there fast.

"H-hey uh... I wasn't expecting you to come out here." Adella stuttered commenting.

"Yeah, I figured I come out here and watch the waves for a bit. Maybe take Jas and Vincent out here later." He shrugged sitting down next to her.

"That's nice." Adella nodded. She wanted to explode with the amount of movement the butterflies were making. It took her a moment to think of a coherent sentence to excuse her from the dock but Shane beat her to breaking the silence.

"I felt kinda bad putting you on the spot like that at the Flower Dance," Shane apologized swinging his feet.

"Just kinda?" She quipped glancing over at him.

"Okay, really bad," he admitted slumping over a bit, "You were right though."

"About what?" She question mirroring him.

"That it wasn't the time or the place to talk about that." Shane confessed fidgeting with his thumbs, "I just thought— maybe... if I express some feelings it would make me feel better about myself..."

She couldn't help back feel her heart go out for him. Adella turned towards him and grabbed his hand, "I know showing emotion isn't your strong suit but this— flirty thing between us needs to stop." She pleaded.

"I know I know..." He stressed nodding, "I know this doesn't make it right but I can't help it! Adella, you are just fascinating! You're not afraid to eat what you want, you're a fast drinker, you're reckless, you're hysterical, you sing and play guitar for your animals, hell! You're strong as shit!" Shane gushed facing towards her.

"Shane, I..." Adella started before trailing off staring into his eyes.

His eyes... HIS EYES! Those goddamn brown puppy dog eyes! The only tell on his isolating facade that helped her read him like a book. He craved for something more than just a friendship with her. He was pouring his heart out there for her and he needed her to return or reject his advances. She studied his face more as her judgement gets silenced by her admiration.

"...yes?" Shane nudged her to continue her statement. His eyes scanned over her taking in every detail before bashfully ending on her lips.

Adella's heart fluttered faster noticing he wanted to kiss her. Blush spread across her cheek as that's what she wanted to do as well. As a last ditch effort, her gut squirmed and tighten trying to get her attention to say no to this.

"It's just... some unspoken thing." She admitted ignoring her gut feeling leaning in to kiss him.

Shane got caught off guard but hastily kissed back starved from the last time they kissed. His rough five o'clock shadow tore at her skin like hot coarse sandpaper that she believed her lips were bleeding. Oddly enough, the discomfort pulled her in more as she enjoyed the prickling sensation along with minty tones from his mouth wash this morning.

Adella got a sense of his desperation when he held onto her wrists almost begging her to pull him in closer. She mimicked him holding onto his wrists. Her fingertips noticing the tension he was hiding in his forearms ready at any second to draw her in. He wanted her and she gradually caved in to wanting him as well.

There was a tug of war building in their grasps hoping one of them would cave pulling the other into them. The tension in their hands paralleled to the game of chicken in their kiss. Each side teasing the other with playful lip biting and breathless moans trying to one up them.

Adella pulled away finally realizing what was at stake. Their breathing synced as they fought for air and processed what happened. Her cheeks flushed red with overwhelming guilt at what she just done. Shane's cheeks turn rosy from shock and love drunkenness. Remorse filled his eyes giving them the signature puppy dog look as his last chance of drawing her back in.

"Shane," She breathed, "Do we really wanna risk it?" Adella pleaded.

"I don't know," Shane answered, "I guess it just depends on how much you like me."

"I... I don't think I can answer that now." She professed peering down at her hands.

"You don't have to, Adella." Shane started, "But when you do," He lifted up her chin to face him, "Just say the word and I'm all yours."

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