Can't keep Tears from My Eyes

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The sun haven't even begun to rise when Adella got a phone call from Harvey. She groaned hearing it ring before seeing who it was.

"Well, good morning Harves." She tiredly smiled.

"Good morning, my dear." He greeted forcing a smile, "Sorry to wake you up so early, I just wanted to tell you I'm finally heading home."

"That's great, babe!" Adella grinned happily, "But you don't seem too happy to be coming back." She mentioned.

"Oh I am!" He corrected trying to sound positive before letting out a long sigh, "It's just... m-my mom passed away in her sleep." His voice shaked as he tried not to cry.

"Oh Harvey I'm so sorry," She mourned feeling tear well up in her eyes, "Hey, I'll come pick you up at the station, what time is the train coming in?"

"Honey..." Harvey croaked fighting back tears, "I appreciate that but I just need some time alone and get settled, okay?"

"Sure," She understood, "If you need anything just call or swing on over. My door is always open, babe." Adella offered feeling a tear run down her cheek.

"Thanks," He smiled sadly sniffling a bit, "It's so nice to hear your voice again." Harvey genuinely grinned letting a few tears stream down his face.

She smiled letting out a soft chuckle. More tears trailed down her face and audibly sniffled wiping them away, "It's nice to hear your voice too." She croaked.

"Adella honey, are you crying?" He asked wiping his face.

"A little bit..." Adella admitted calming herself down.

"Why are you crying? What's wrong?" Harvey questioned with concern.

"I'm sorry, I'm just... an emotional sponge." She joked choking on more tears, "Hearing you cry made me cry." She laughed.

He couldn't help but chuckle a bit, "That's just being an empath, sweetheart." Harvey smiled starting to feel his mood lighten, "Hey, I'm gonna let you go because I want to get some rest in before the train gets to the valley, okay?"

"Okay," Adella sniffled, "Call me when you get finished settling in."

"I will." He agreed then let out a silent yawn, "See you soon, darling."


The day fell into the waning it's hours and the farmer still hadn't heard anything from the doctor. She wanted to do something special for him since she empathized with the fact he lost a close family member. Adella packed a few snacks and a thermos filled with coffee with the essential add ons before riding out to the clinic on her horse, Diesel.

She strolls into town and spots the clinic lights are off. Of course, they're off the clinic isn't open at seven o'clock. The farmer hops off the saddle looking upward toward the second floor. Adella notices a calling light on somewhere in his apartment.

"Stay right here, bud." She spoke to Diesel giving him some sugar cubes.

Adella went around to the back of the clinic noticing the elevation meets up to the building and trellises leading up to the window.

"If I break my leg Harves, so help me." She grunted as she started climbing the trellis.

Adella carefully climbed her way up to the window praying to Yoba that gravity won't take her. She peeked through the window seeing the doctor sitting in an arm chair. His dress shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows but couldn't make out any other details since he was facing away from the window. She leveled herself on the outer window pane then knocked on the glass.

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