Chapter 20

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"Hi beautiful. I miss your laugh and your smile. I can't function without you. I had a meeting yesterday. 12 attacks on lower castes. I need to get rid of castes and soon but I need your help. It's been your wish to get rid of them and I can't do it without you. Help me make this change. You're taking up every thought in my mind. I can't focus on anything besides you. I hate being away from you. Don't wake up unless you are ready. I can wait. I'll wait forever if I have to."

"Prince Maxon,"


"Lady America's health is going downhill. We can't promise she'll wake up. She will probably be okay but I have to make you aware of the possibility."

"Yes. I understand. Thank you doctor."

"Okay. I'll be back to check on her later." He said and left the room

"America, if you need to let go, then let go. I don't want you to have to fight a losing battle."

The monitor next to her bed started to beep loudly and a light flashed. Doctor Ashlar and multiple nurses ran in

"Sir, please move away."

"What's happening?"

"Sir, if you would like us to try to save her then please back away."

"What-" all of the noise and voices became muffled as I came to realize she was dying and her life was in their hands. She was letting go and I wasn't ready. I felt lightheaded and the room went dark.

I woke up to a blinding light and sat up. I looked around and didn't see America in any of the beds. I stood up and ran down the room

"Where is she?" There was nobody around. I ran out into the hallway and ran until I stumbled across my mother and the Singer family

"Oh, son, you're just in time."

"In time for what?"

"America's funeral service."


"How could you let this happen to my sister?" May Singer asked me

"You allowed this family to be torn apart." Mrs. Singer said

"I-I didn't do anything. I'm so sorry." I turned to mom, "She's gone?"

"She is."

"No. I told her to let go if she had to but I didn't think she would. Mom, I can't do this. I can't live without her."

"Well you must learn to. Kriss will be coming back to the palace with us after the ceremony. As the runner up, she is who you must marry now."

"I can't marry Kriss. Mom, please."

"Maxon, my hands are tied. The country needs a royal family, meaning you need to get married."

"No!" I looked over to where the casket was in the middle of the room waiting to be moved outside. It was calling to me. Almost as if America was calling me over to it.

"Maxon...maxon..." There was a voice coming from inside the box

"Do you hear that?" I asked the guard standing next to me

"Hear what, sir?" He asked

"That voice. It sound's like its coming from inside." I lifted the lid to the casket expecting to see the love of my life with her hair and make up far too overdone for her liking but instead it was me. I was in the casket but America's voice was still saying my name from within the box. Without a second thought, I climbed in. My body that had been in there was gone and now it was just me. The casket lid was lowered and I closed my eyes as her voice got louder,

"Maxon...Maxon...Maxon." I opened my eyes and I was in the hospital wing again but her voice stopped. I looked over to where her bed was and saw her laying still with all of the machines still hooked up and the monitor was beeping at a steady pace again but she was definitely not saying my name.

I got up and walked over to her. I sat on the edge of the bed and held her hand, "You fought, my love. You fought through it and I'm so proud of you." I kissed her hand, "I wish we could take all of the wires off. I hate seeing you like this but it's far better than not having you. I love you, America. I love you so much." Her fingers twitched as I held her hand and I smiled at her, "Wake up soon, darling."


Over the next few days she seemed to continue to improve. There was one time that she opened her eyes when I squeezed her hand. Another time she started mumbling when I was telling her about my day. But she never fully woke up.


I woke up to the sound of her voice in the middle of the night. She was mumbling again so I just sat up and listened to her, until she reached out and held my hand. I looked at her and her eyes were open but she was staring at the ceiling and she was still talking and she squeezed my hand,

"America." She squeezed it again, "Hi, sweetheart." She followed the sound of my voice and made eye contact. I could tell that all she got from seeing me was that she recognized me but didn't quite connect who I was. "It's Maxon."

"Max." She said slowly as if she had been learning a foreign language and was trying to pronounce a word

"Yeah, it's me." I smiled at her and she squeezed my hand. She shifted her eyes to look at the machine next to her and went to tug at the wires but I stopped her, "You can't do that, darling. The machine helps you." I said softly and she slowly shut her eyes and fell back into her sleep.

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