Chapter 21

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"It's been, what? Three weeks?" An advisor asked, irritated

"Two." I spat back at him

"Two weeks. And more time passes. You need to find a replacement just in case."

"No. I'm not finding a replacement. I have America."

"She's barely holding on."

"No she's not. She woke up for a short time last night. She said my name and she squeezed my hand. She's holding on more than you think."

"Maxon, you need to start looking for a new wife."

"No I don't. She will be okay." I said and left the room

Americas POV

"Maxon." I said slowly as I watched him walk through the door. He heard me and rushed over

"Good morning, darling."


"I'm right here." He held both of my hands but that was the last thing I remembered and it all faded out again.


I slowly blinked my eyes into focus and looked at Maxon who had fallen asleep using the bed as a pillow. I reached down and ran my fingers through his hair and he startled awake. He looked up at me and grinned,

"You woke up."

"I've missed you."

"Me too." His smile didn't fade, "How are you feeling?"

"Could be a lot better but I'm awake so it's a start."

"Yeah." He rubbed my cheek, "It's a great start."

"You look like you haven't slept a full night in weeks."

"It's been about two weeks, yeah."

"I was out for 2 weeks?"

"The longest weeks of my life. It felt like forever."

"I'm sorry."

"No, no, don't be sorry about anything, darling. Nothing to be sorry about. You're alive and awake and that's all I can ask for. How are you feeling?"

"Not great. I'm really tired and I'm nauseous. Can I have something to eat?" I asked

"Yes of course!" He went into the hallway to ask a maid to bring up food then came right back

"What happened Max?" I asked trying so hard to remember

"You got a concussion, then you fell into a coma and it's been really rough for everyone. There was a chance you weren't gonna wake up, or that you would need a constant caregiver, or that you would suffer from long term memory issues. I can't believe you woke up and seem fine. The advisors started pressing me to find someone else to marry but I insisted you would be okay and darling I'm so happy you are."

"How is everyone?"

"I'm sure everyone will be amazing once they hear you're up. But we won't tell everyone yet so you can have some time to relax."

"Thank you. That's a good idea." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, "Do you think we could get the wires taken off?"

"Why don't we leave them on for a little bit. This isn't the first time you've woken up, so just in case you end up going back out I'd like for them to stay on. Is that alright?"

"I guess so." I said and reached my arms out for a hug, he held me close to him as if it was the last time he would ever hug me. I shifted over so he could sit on the bed with me. He snaked his arm behind me and I laid my head on his shoulder, "I'm tired."

"Can you try to stay awake for just a little longer?" He asked panicked

"I'm so tired" My eyes started to close, "Maxon I don't want to go back out again."

"I know," he sat up and held my shoulders, "stay with me America. I ordered you strawberry tarts!" My vision got spotty, "America please. Please stay awake. I need you to stay awake." Machines started beeping really loudly and Maxon started yelling but nobody came. He kept yelling for someone and the world went in and out, "America, you need to stay awake please." He begged me

"I-I-I'm try-try-ing." I struggled to get out, I blindly searched for his hand and squeezed it

"Keep squeezing my hand." He said, "Damn it where is Doctor Ashlar!" He yelled looking around the room


"Yes darling?"

"Am I gonna be okay?"

"I don't know, but I really hope so."

"I want to be okay." The beeping from the machines started to slow down.

"Your numbers are coming back. Keep talking to me" he said

"When I'm allowed to leave I want to go to the gardens." I said and he smiled at me, "I want to see Marlee. Can I see Marlee?"

"I'm sure I can make that happen." He kissed my hand

"Maxon I want to get married soon. Like really soon."

"We can start planning the wedding tomorrow."

"I don't want a big wedding"

"Well we can't have a small one." He laughed

"I know but just not too big."

"We won't have anyone that we don't need there."

"Okay. I'm very excited."

"Me too, America." The door swung open and a maid walked in with a platter of strawberry tarts

"It's lovely to see you awake again. We've missed you around the palace." The young maid smiled at me then left the room.

Maxon handed me a tart and I took a big bite of it. It tasted better than I remember them tasting.

"Good?" Maxon asked

"Amazing!" I said and took another bite, "Am I okay?"

"I think so. You scared me though." He said, "And I have no clue why the doctor wasn't here or any of the nurses."

Right on cue doctor Ashlar walked in, "Oh you're awake" he said and made his way over to us

"She almost crashed again." Maxon said without looking at the doctor

"I'm so sorry I wasn't here, I had gone down to the kitchens to get something to eat. I'm not sure why there aren't any nurses in here."

"Can you make sure there is always a nurse in here for the future? That was terrifying and I had nobody here to help me if she had gone out again." Maxon asked

"Yes, of course sir. I apologize for this." He said, "Lady America, I'd like to take vitals now if you don't mind." I shook my head and allowed him to do so many things with so many machines and then he cleared me to return to my room

"Really? I can go back?"

"Yes. But you can't do much and I'd like for you to stay resting for at least a few days."

"Okay, I can do that."

"Okay, you are free to go." He finished removing the wires and removed the IV from my arm.

Maxon held out his hands for me and helped me slowly stand up, "Are you okay?"

"Yes we just have to move slow."

"Of course." He wrapped his arm around me and we slowly started walking, "Let's get you up to bed, darling."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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