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"Midoriya," the doctor explained, "You're seriously injured. Honestly, if this happens just 2 or even 3 more times, I'm not sure you'll ever be able to use your arms again."

I glanced down to my hands, clenching them as if they'd disappear at any moment. By being too reckless, I could seriously ruin my chances of ever becoming a hero.

After he left, I tossed around thoughts in my mind. Squeezing my eyes shut, I thought back to my conversation with the rest of the class.

Kirishima told me we could actually save him.

But what if the rest of the class was right? They were extremely adamant about not going out-on how it could disrupt the pros' plans. And what about me? If I injured myself again...

One thought really spoke out, though. With a shake of my head, I gained a newfound determination that coursed through my veins.

If I was going to cause everyone so much pain, I reasoned, I would be the one to end it.

The only problem now was escaping.

I looked at the bed as if it was a prison that held me back from saving Bakugo. If I left, I might be regarded as a villain. If I stayed, Bakugo might not make it.

"Excuse me, sir," I addressed the doctor softly.


Meeting his eyes, I made a request. "Is there any way I would be able to leave tonight?"

With a hesitant glance down, he shrugged. "I'm not entirely sure. I... I can definitely check, though." He gave me a sympathetic look-somewhat strange coming from such a gruff exterior. Almost reminded me of Aizawa. Or even Shinso. With that, he then left the room, promising to at least try to do something.


Swinging the door open, an officer strode into the room. With a second glance, I could see that it was All Might's friend, Tsukauchi.

"So, Midoriya," he addressed me with a glance up, "I hear you'd like to leave?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

"And why should we trust you?" he asked bluntly.

Wincing, I gave a response. "I... I don't know how to prove it but... I swear, I wasn't in control. If-"

"Yes, we're aware of that," he gave me a small smile, "All Might told us what happened." His look became sympathetic, yet stern. "Unfortunately, we don't know how to prove that."

I glanced down at my hands, tears welling up in my eyes.

"Kid," he said somewhat softly, "I believe you. All Might has all of my faith-but we can't let you go without proof."

"I... I understand... But... I don't know how to prove it," I croaked, meeting his eyes.

His expression softened. "Lucky for you," he winked, "Your friends actually came and spoke with us. We also have a kid named 'Kota' on record vouching for you." My heart warmed with the mention of Kota. I was glad he was okay. "And, considering what All For One has done so far... We're almost positive he could've done something to this caliber."

I nodded, hoping for his news to be good.

"So, at least for now, we're letting you go." He gave me a smile, but then sternly added, "But if you cause any reason for us to doubt you afterwards, we'll have to take you right back. Understand?"

Wiping away my tears, I let out a small, happy laugh. "Yes, sir. Thank you."



Okay, this is probably the shortest chapter I've written so far. Though, this is mainly because I skipped half the stuff because it doesn't make sense for this timeline or was in the actual anime and wasn't important.

Anyways, I'm sorry for this chapter, honestly. In my opinion, it's kinda awful, and I hate to be putting something like this out. Unfortunately, no matter how I rewrote it, it always came out somewhat bad, and I decided to go with this one. So uh, sorry!

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