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-x- All Might's POV -x-

"Now," I spoke, anger clear in my tone, "I'm free to use my full power." I can't believe those kids would so something stupid. But without them...

"Why do they keep showing up everywhere?!" Shigaraki rasped, fists shaking.

Cracking my neck, I smirked. "What's your plan now, All For One?"

"Don't let them get away!" Compress said, exasperated, "Who can do distance?!"

Spinner quickly replied, ordering two of the villains to follow. "Kurogiri and Dabi-put them down!"

"You two, come here," Magne instructed, firing up her quirk. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched as blue light surrounded Compress, firing him into the air.

Gritting my teeth, I spun around in order to stop them, but was quickly relieved of the duty as Mt. Lady blocked him.

"We can still catch them, come here you tw-" Magne began, but she was quickly knocked out. After a glance his way, I was able to see as Gran Torino took him out, along with the rest of the villains.

"You're too slow," I joked.

"You're just too fast, hotshot," he remarked. "So... You saw the kids, right? He's turning out to be more and more like you every day." He scoffed, "Not a compliment."

Sighing, I replied, "After their experience in Hosu, I didn't think he'd come to the battlefield... Dang teenagers... But," I smirked, "They were a big help."

"Now that everything's over with," I shifted towards All For One, jutting my finger towards him, "I don't have to pull any punches towards you. You're finished!"

"Two left over here!" Gran Torino called out, "I'll handle them."

"Tomura," Toga squirmed, "I do not wanna die in this place!"

All For One sighed, raising his palm. "They got us. Turned the tables on us with a single move."

Suddenly, long, black cords grew rapidly from All For One's fingers, red veins pulsing through them. Quickly dodging, I turned, only to see that I wasn't the target.

"Forcible quirk activation! Magnetism!"

Catching my eye was pink and blue lights, emanating from the villains. Suddenly, each of their unconscious bodies flew towards Toga, knocking her into the portal as they dived in.

"Wait, don't!" Shigaraki clawed at the ground, a feeble attempt at remaining on our side of the portal. "Master!" he called out, slowly being pulled into the portal.

Gran Torino leaped towards the man, shouting, "Not so fast!" However, he was quickly struck down with one of All For One's tentacles.

"No... Wait... You're too damaged!" Shigaraki cried out, pain in his voice. "No I... Won't go," he rasped in a strained voice, yet vanished into the portal in mere moments along with the rest of the villains.

As the portal closed, All For One shouted, "Tomura, you must continue to fight!"

Too bad that the villains are gone... But now's my chance, I thought.

Acting quickly, I launched towards the man, fist curled tightly into a ball.

"Warping for shock inversion!" All For One called out, Gran Torino suddenly appearing in front of me.

Unable to hold back, I unleashed a full-powered blow on the old man, pulling back as quickly as possible.

"I'm sorry!" I cried out as he groaned, my arm also injured in the process.

"I only came to save Tomura," All For One monologued, "But if you say you're going to fight, then I'll face you as you wish." He turned his gaze slightly downwards, scoffing. "In the past, your fist crushed one after the other of my comrades. Many were forced into the shadows, underground, while you were in the spotlight, realized as the 'Symbol of Peace.' What a grand view you must've had from that pedestal atop our sacrifices. A hero, standing on the mountain of our defeat."

As he spoke, I waited for the right moment, throwing my arm towards him. "DETROIT.... SMASH!" I shouted, pulling Gran Torino away as I struck All For One.

The wind released from my blow pushed me backwards, blood spurting from my lips.

"He stopped the attack himself," he mumbled, then turned towards me. "You still won't fight me with your full power, huh?" He chuckled, "Because doing so would endanger all those people you've sworn to protect."

"You shut up!" I boomed, anger bubbling inside me with every word. "Always toying with people, using their weaknesses. You steal, scar, and break them! Manipulate and discard them!" I clenched my fists, hatred flowing through my veins. "You scoff at innocent people... WHO ARE JUST TRYING TO LEAD HAPPY LIVES!"

Digging my foot into the concrete, I launched towards the man, crushing his arm in my grip. "YOU CANNOT CONTINUE!"

"It's over," he said, lifting his arm towards me.

Ignoring him, I readied another punch. "I WON'T LET IT!" I yelled, thrusting him into the ground.

Sitting upwards, I stared down at his pulverized mask, shaking with heavy breaths.

"Toshinori!" Gran Torino called out, his voice strained. "You've reached your limit!"

My eyes widened as All For One spoke, a grin in his voice. "What's wrong? You seem to be worked up about something, All Might. I've heard that same exact line before, you know." He chuckled, "From the person who had One For All before you."

A cold sensation overtook me as my fist shook against the man's forehead.

"Nana Shimura."




Sorry for not posting in so long :/

My grandparents were over for about a week, and I had a summer camp thing to go to. Also, I had no idea what to write. 

(i literally

do not remember any sort of summer camp


Anyways, this is another one of those chapters that is really similar to the actual story, but like all others I do add a little of my own schtuff, along with more description of the characters' actions.

Speaking of similarities, I'm going to try and add some different dialogue and things in the next (few?) chapters.

Thanks for reading! <3

Brainwashed - A Villain Deku Fanfic || REPUBLISHEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora