Coming Up For Air

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-x- Bakugou's POV -x-

"Glad we got you outta there, bud," Kirishima laughed.

I rolled my eyes. "Don't think you rescued me or anything. I was just getting out of the way so All Might could fight. You just happened to be my ticket to leave."

Kirishima wiggled his eyebrows, "It's okay Bakugou, we know you love us!"

My gaze shifted over to Iida as he began to speak, fidgeting with his hands. "I'm all for joking around and everything, but...," he looked up, worry plaguing his features. "I'm not sure if we made the right decision... I just don't feel comfortable with Midoriya staying there, encapsulated in Todoroki's ice."

"Don't worry," Todoroki said calmly, though I sensed worry radiating off of him. "I made sure it wasn't too cold-he should be fine. The ice should melt soon enough, too, and he'd likely already be unconscious by then-either by the cold or from tiring himself out."

Yaoyorozu spoke up, "I'm not exactly sure about leaving Midoriya either, but I trust Todoroki." She looked over to him, giving a small smile before turning back around, an empty look in her eyes. "Though... I'm still concerned. Not only about Midoriya, but also about All Might. Are we really sure leaving him there to fend for himself was the right decision?"

Kirishima waved her off, attempting to console the rest of the group. "C'mon guys, it's All Might! The Symbol of Peace!" A toothy grin was present on his face as he spoke. "I'm sure he'll be fine. Midoriya, too. Now let's stop worrying and get to the town center. Maybe we can catch a glimpse of All Might's fight now that he's using his full power!"


He was wrong. So wrong. How could he be losing?

"All Might," Yaoyorozu whispered hoarsely.

My eyes wandered around the group, each of their faces grief-stricken. I couldn't say much different for myself. But... He couldn't really lose. Right?

The tension was almost palpable. I felt as if I were going to choke on the suspence.

Voices echoed, murmurs and shouts coming from the crowd.

"What's going on?"

"How could All Might be losing?"

"He's frozen!"

Sweat began to drip down my clammy skin, stress and despair overtaking me. My vision blackened, darkness creeping in on the corners. If All Might lost, what could anyone else do?

Drowning the sound around me out, I heard nothing but my heartbeats. My lungs felt pressed down, unable to take in oxygen.

I felt cold as I plunged into the darkness.

"No! He's still the Symbol of Peace! C'mon All Might!" someone yelled out, their voice distraught, yet determined.

"Yeah... Yeah! Go All Might!"

"We believe in you!"

My lungs filled up with air, burning. I swallowed oxygen, feeling as though I had been pulled from the deep end of the water. My vision returned, a fire of hope igniting within me.

My breaths ragged, I stared down into the palms of my hands, curling them into fists. Gazing upwards, I shouted until my throat became raw. "GO, ALL MIGHT!"



Short chapter, but what can ya do? (everything, really)

Looks like Bakugou has....

EMOTIONS!?!??!? :O

Haha, anyways...

(why do i keep using so many ellipses, god)

Thanks for reading! <3

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