Fear Not

513 12 0

fear do


-x- All Might's POV -x-

My arms hung low as I stood petrified. She'd be so disappointed in me. I'll lose. I'm going to fail in front of everyone.

Screams in my ears were deafening, the projected future in my mind.

Symbol of Peace: Defeated.

City in Chaos After All Might's Defeat.

Villains Take Over.

Trembling, I internally panicked, dread filling my mind.

"We need you!" a woman yelled from behind me.

Suddenly, I felt my heart skip a beat, the encouragement giving me hope. No. I will beat this for everyone. I must protect them.

"Fear not miss," I spoke quietly, charging up my arm with the remainder of One For All. "I'm not done yet."

Stepping forwards, I stabilized myself, along with my voice. "You're right!" I shouted to All For One, voice gradually rising, "A hero has so much to protect in this world. Which is why... I WILL DEFEAT YOU!"

My former master's voice echoed through my eardrums. "Toshinori, when you think you can't go on anymore, look inside. Remember why it is why you clench your fist. Your past. Remember where you came from. Keeping your origin in mind will help you push past your limit."

I must remember my past. Where I came from. My origin.

I want to make a world where everyone smiles and lives together happily.

My breath hitched as I watched All For One float effortlessly in the air.

"There it is. That's the last of your strength, isn't it All Might? A wounded hero is a sight to behold," he chuckled, "Do you know, sometimes I dream of you charging at me, your entrails strewn across the battlefield." As he raised his arm, my eyes followed the red electricity that sparked around it. How the muscle began to bulge as his power increased. "You have what, 2 or 3 punches left?"

Suddenly, fire sprang up from the ground, an overwhelming heat expanding in the area.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?" a voice shouted, enraged. An inflamed boot stepped out from the rubble, revealing Endeavor's presence. "WHAT'S GOING ON WITH THAT WEAK LITTLE BODY?!"

"Looks like we made it in time," Edgeshot commented, leaping down to join him. "Tsukauchi must've expected this," he whispered, "He feared for his friend's life."

"Those Nomu weren't particularly strong, but I'm still impressed you handled them so quickly. As expected from the man who clawed his way to the No.2 spot," All For One remarked.

"Dang it All Might... I did everything I could to surpass you. Yet every time I became stronger, it seemed as if the gap grew wider between us. It became obvious that I was nowhere near your level of strength. The stronger you got, the angrier I became." Stepping forwards, Endeavor shouted out, his face red. "STAND UP AND SHOW THEM WHY YOU'RE BETTER!"


"If the only reason you're here is to cheer him on, I'd prefer you to remain silent!" All For One called out, charging an attack.

"Think again, madman," Edgeshot rejected, shooting himself forwards, "We're here to assist!"

Kamui Woods suddenly appeared, snatching up the injured heroes. "THAT'S OUR JOB AS HEROES!"

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