chapter 3

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Carly's P.O.V

My day went on pretty similar to yesterday, considering I was still in the recovery room. Well, not exacly, I luckily didn't have another operation, and my doctor didn't have to explain everything. On the down side I didn't have much memory of all what happened before I was in a coma, or now really. I mean who knows, I could never be the same again. After I woke up in the recovery room again I turned on the t.v. and watched whatever was on. Bridget came in about 20 minutes later- but I don't know exacly- and gave me the medicines I needed in the morning. Next, I get breakfast in bed, which was surprisingly good. Honestly, this was my first time in a hospital other than when I was born. I didn't think their food here was supposted to be good, but I was wrong. Besides most of the things here kind of creeping me out, I got to chillax in bed all morning. Then again, whenever I ask Bridget if I could walk around a bit, she said no, but in a nice way, so I guess it was okay. Of course the one time I really want to walk around, I can't.  After I git bored of watching t.v. I ask Bridget if there were any books laying around, since I had no idea where my backpack was which hady book in it. I know what your thinking- oh yeah she got her memory of things back- WRONG! I don't,  the only reason why I can remember Bridget's name is because she wears a little nametag. The reason why I can remember simple words like, backpack or books is because I have a word chart, or so.ething like that- I know, pathetic: I feel like some third grader- but it's the only way I can remember things for now. Luckily, Bridget found some that intrested me, so I opened to page one, and start to read. By 9:30 I had finished the book. This is because it was such an easy book, which ended up being really intreging. l look up from the book, after I had closed it shut, and noticed Bridget wasn't
here. One thing I find was this,
      Carly, you were so intrigued in your book I didn't want to disturb you. I had to check in with your doctor,  be right back.

Well, I know where she went, and she wasn't kidding when she said she'd be right back. Right after reading the note,  in the next two minutes she entered the recovery room,  snd walked over.

When she got over to where I was, she checked my monitor- heart rate and breathing. "I have good news and bad news, which do you want first?" 

"Um... I'd say let's go with the good news first." 

"Good news is that your doctor says your doing fine. Bad news is that your brother just got admitted to the hospital. He's on his way here... in an ambulence."

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