Chapter 27

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The next few days pass and my throat just gets worse. Connor and I have been chilling basically all morning. Cody then comes into my room and says,

"Okay, so you're being discharged from here in a few more days so I have to put you on a normal IV drip."

I look down at my arm I've had two in both of my arms throughout my time here; news flash- I didn't want another.

Connor sees me and sits next to me on the bed.

I see Cody give him a look- probably one saying that he should hold down my arm considering I'm scared of needles and all.

Connor takes a hold of my arm and holds its still while Cody gets the supplies ready and comes over.

Connor talks to me to distract me and while he's doing that and I'm looking at Connor he slips in the needle and I look at him and say, "ow...Coodddyyy."

"Sorry I tried to do it when you were distracted."

He tapes it down and continue by saying, "How do you feel are you in any pain?"

"Good. My throat's been bothering me a little though." I admit finally letting it out.

I felt relief as I finished my sentence, but Cody's expression turns to worry.

"I think my definition of a little is different than yours. How long has it been bothering you?" He asks.

"Since Monday." I reply and say, "I'm sorry for not telling you."

"Why didn't you tell me? I feel bad it's my job to help you feel better we're going to have to do a strep test now to make sure you don't have it."

"Will it hurt?" I ask already feeling the adrenaline pumping through my body.

"No just may be a little uncomfortable. I'm going to go tell your one of your doctors and I'll just let them know that I will do it."


"I'll be right back." Cody says smiling before leaving.

Connor sighs and says, "Why didn't you tell anyone your throat was bothering you for days."

I shrug and say, "I thought it would go away and I really want to get out of here."

"Okay... I guess I would've done the same thing." Connor replies while smiling at me.

"Okay I told Dr. Anderson and he says he agreed we'll do a strep test and we'll see if it will turn out negative.

I nod my head as Cody comes back over to me with a swab and a tube in the other hand.

"All I need you to do is say ah."

I imply and open my mouth. He takes the swab and does the strep test; I didn't like it I nearly gagged when Cody took it out.

"I'm going to send this down to the lab and  then once the results are in I'll let you know. Does it hurt right now?"

"How bad on a scale of 1-10?"

"Like a 7 or 8."

"Okay I'll give you some pain medication for it and I'll get you cough drops too." He moves towards the cabinet and takes out a syringe- I wasn't too freaked out because I knew it went in my IV. He comes back over and pushed the end of the plunger thing slowly so that it will take effect.


"Yeah. Thank you."

"I'll get you the cough drops and then I'll be off my way."

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