Chapter 28

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It was now Friday the 20th, and I'm getting discharged; I'm happy to say the least. I will finally be able to get out of this place.

But tomorrow will be hard because it's November 21st, the date of my brothers funeral.

Connor comes in early in the morning before he has to go to his school. He tells me it starts at 7:30 so he came in at 6:30 this morning just to say bye.

I laughed at him and he said he'd come in after school and help me get ready to leave.

I smile at him and I go back under the covers and fall back asleep.

I wake up again and this time for good at 8:23.

Cody comes in with a cup of pink medicine.

"Good morning." He says as he comes in after knocking.

"Hey. Let me guess the medicine for my strep throat."

"Yep. I'll give you the rest of the prescription before you leave this afternoon."

"Okay." I say and take the little plastic cup from him and drink the medicine.

"Oh and happy birthday!" Cody says before walking out to go and check on his other patients.

"Thanks." I reply.

To be completely honest it slipped my mind that it was my birthday. I was now 17 years old, technically not until 9:54pm but still, I turn 17 today. Too bad I can't drive myself anywhere, I could've got my own car for my birthday if I had asked my parents.

My morning flew by, it all seemed like a blur in a way. I ordered breakfast and Sam came in and talked to me saying that I'll still see him at his office that's right down the street.

I didn't mind going because I think if I didn't have the help I'd go crazy. My doctors were constantly checking on me making sure my health was at its best.

At 2:30 Connor walks into my room holding something behind his back and he takes it and places it in front of me,
"Happy 17th birthday."

I smile at him and say, "thank you."

"Sorry it's not a lot, I just..."

He doesn't finish because I cut him off, "It's perfect."

He smiles and I share the cupcake with him it was fairly big and I knew I wouldn't be able to finish it on my own.

Connor ends up staying with me until he has to go home to do his homework.

Zac comes in later on too around 3:00. He sits down and says,
"I'm wishing you good luck with everything, especially saying goodbye to your brother. If you ever need me just give me a call."

I smile at him and tell him thanks as he hands me his phone number and I put it into my phone.

I guess I'm lucky because perks of being friends with a paramedic... He'll be there when you need him.

Brady comes in as well, they tell me they were on their half hour break and hang out with me. I watch a little tv with them because my concussion was getting better and I could stand watching a little tv.

Sadly, their half hour breaks fly by and soon they have to get back to work. Brady hands me his number as well just in case I ever need him and Zac won't pick up.

I laugh at him and say bye to them one last time before I'm out of this place.

As time passes I'm getting closer and closer to getting out of here for good.

Dr. Anderson comes in and says he has to do a quick check up to make sure I can leave.

I'm hesitant, but what choice do I have, if I want to get released from here. I was already in a hospital gown, so luckily I didn't have to change into another one.

Dr. Anderson checks my heart rate, which was normal, blood pressure, eyes, ears, throat, and everything else. It didn't take long, luckily, and I mean I did have strep, so my throat was red.

Once he's done he leaves and says Cody will be in a few more times to do the last few things.

I sit still in bed waiting for whatever happens next. I'm not sure what will come next other than seeing my brother tomorrow.

The flashback of the crash comes back to me and I see his body lying in the front seat as pale as someone could be and his face was drenched in blood. His eyes closed and his body limp. If you look at him you couldn't even tell if he was breathing.

Flashbacks are scary and they can stick around for a while.

This one will haunt me forever...

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