Chapter 8

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J:"Is she awake?"
Doctor:"I'm not sure yet..."
I open my eyes and see someone's head and they were staring at me!"
C:"Woah, woah, woah!"
Doctor:"Yep, she's awake."
The person's head moves back to reveal a colorful ceiling.
C:"What, what's going on?"
Dr.G:"I'm Dr.Grayson, but most people call me Ella."
C:"Okay, but Jake! And Ross, Amber, Nikki, Brian, and Percy!"
J:"Don't worry, Carly, I'm right here!"
I look over and see Jake smiling, but by the look of him I can tell he was definitely worrying.
C:"What! You're out of a wheelchair! I can't believe it, but how?"
J:"They fixed my leg up!"
C:"But, the fight didn't it just happen yesterday?"
J:"Nope. You've been unconscious for three days."
C:"What is this place?"
J:"umm... Let's  worry about that later."
C:"Ah, okay, if you say so."
Dr.Grayson:"Well, Carly, I have some good news..."
J:"You get to come home with me soon!"
C:"But Jake, home is the orphanage. We both know we don't belong there..."
J:"I know, I know, but it's the only place we have right now."
Dr.Grayson:"Listen up, I will come and check on you in about an hour, but till them, your nurse, Gracie, will take care of anything you need."
Gracie:"Hey, if you need anything, I'll be around. Just press this button. I'll see you later."
C:"So what can we do when we get 'home?'"
J:"You know the answer to this, we'll do what we always do. Which is..."
C:"Act like no one else is around and it's just us."
J:"Bingo Carly."
C:"How did the rest of the fight go? Where are Nikki, Ross, Brian, Amber and Percy? Are they okay? Are you okay?"
J:"Woah, slow down there. Look we're all okay, we didn't all get killed, like you kinda did."
C:"When you say 'we' what do you mean, it's only the two of us in here."
J:"Really... Think again."
Behind a curtain I slowly see all five of them come out from where they were hiding.
C:"Guys! I can't believe you're here, but how?"
J:"They'll tell you how the rest of the fight played out."
P:"Yeah. Look, after you got trampled over by guards and we all saw it happen, we decide you and Jake needed some real help."
R:"We called 911."
Br:"Two ambulances came, police, a whole bunch of people."
A:"The Police came in and cleared the area. Certain people who worked at the hospital were getting arrested because they were holding patients captive when they needed real medical help."
N:"After the Police cleared the main floor, the paramedics took care of you two."
R:"They took Jake out of his wheelchair and brought him into one of the ambulances. You were basically knocked out dead, so they took you out of your broken wheelchair and onto a stretcher and then you were on your way to here."
A:"The police came up to us after and asked us if we knew you guys, 'Jake and Carly Hart' and we said yes."
Br:"The police helped us after that and escorted us to the hospital."
N:"And here we are."
J:"Brian, you weren't supposed to tell."
Br:"Oops, I told you too much Carly, sorry about that."
J:"I didn't want to tell you where we were because of what happened to you before this."
C:"Jake, believe me, I'm fine. Look at me."
J:"You're not fine, Carly! Uggggg! Why couldn't this stuff happen to me?! I've lived longer than you, I've done more things than you that I've wanted to do! I just don't understand why it couldn't have been me? Not you!"
C:"Hey, it's not like I'm dead or anything. Just chill."
J:"Okay, so you're not dead, but you're the 'or anything,' Carly. You're severely injured and that's not okay with me!"

After my brother got all powered up because he was frustrated that everything happened to me I look up at him and he was crying. My brother had not cried ever. Not once in my life have I seen him cry. Yet here he is looking down at me and crying.
I felt really bad, but I knew I would've done the same thing. Honestly, I don't blame him for getting all 'fired up!' I'd feel the same way if it was him in a hospital bed.
One I see him cry, I start to cry and cry.

I end up stop crying before Jake! He couldn't stop though, or even control himself anymore.

It went downhill after that. Percy, Ross and Brian had to take Jake outside into the hallway and take a minute.

In hallway:
R:"ok. What's up?"
P:"Yeah, Jake, we want to help."
J:"You guys know what up.  I can't stand to see her like this anymore."
Br:"Jake, we get it, it's just hard to see people like this now."
J:"Really, Brain! Ha! You guys get it?"
Br,P,R:"...Yes!! And we want to help too."
R:"You know what?"
R:"Let's go for a walk.."
Back in my room, Brain came in to tell me they were going for a walk. I say, "ok," and he leaves. Amber and Nikki were nice enough to hang out with me and talk while the rest were taking a walk. Later on, Jake, Brian, Percy and Ross come back into my room.
Jake was better, but I would look into his eyes and see he was still scared for me. I couldn't help but feel bad for him. Unfortunately, soon enough, Ross, Amber,  Brian, Nikki and Percy had to leave. They all had their own life's to live, and that was not to be with me all day.
They each say goodbye to me and one by one, open the door and are gone.
After the five of them are gone, I order dinner. I hadn't got to eat anything all day, so I was really hungry. Jake also got something for himself and he ordered for me along with his own order too.
Apparently dinner must take a while here because we were still waiting after about 20 minutes.
Suddenly, I start feeling pain, sharp pain. I lay there with pain spreading through me like a wildfire. I'm now pressing the red button for "Nurse," waiting for someone to finally take me out of my misery...

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