Chapter 87

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"I'm not here to give you mercy. All the lives you have taken away and tortured, I will make you pay for it. I know that my fire can kill you. But you're going to be stuck in this rotting corpse until the end of time. You will wish that I ended your life today." The emperor chuckled cynically, his mind only focused on Celine. Because Celine was kind hearted, she would want to kill the monster in Zavia today and remove its existence from the world. However, Akihiko did not want to follow her preferred plan, for he had his own. She had to pay for making Celine go through such a tragic past. He also wanted to bring justice to his fallen brother, along with all of Celine's loved ones.

"You can see my army. You can see through my secrets and you know how to kill me." Zavia stated, its evil face showing a slight hint of fear at that realization. "How did you find out? Why are you only defeating me now after I killed your people?" The anger within itself seemed to explode internally, although it was easily suppressed by Akihiko's menacing aura.

"I had to wait until it was finished." He stepped closer, making the concubine flinch in response. How pathetic. "Until your death bed was finished, that is."

The emperor's eyes flashed like a bright flame, ignited by its own power. He was suddenly overflowing with a strong aura, one that made Zavia tremble like a child. His eyes glowed, gleaming brilliantly until his pale skin also seemed to glisten. He seemed to see right through Zavia, who realized she couldn't escape. As he spoke, his words weren't his own. "Don't forget your place in this world. Your power is below us. Even when you think you have won, we can easily turn back time to defeat you. You will never win. "

Zavia released an appalling sound, not bothering to speak as she was overwhelmed with absolute terror. She squirmed and thrashed around, as if his presence was worse than death itself. She glared at him hatefully, as if she was experiencing extreme injustice.

The thundering voice also made Zavia's invisible army cower in fear. Its commanding presence scared them senselessly, and they abandoned their leader to escape far away from the scene as they could.

Celine wanted to fall against Draco in exhaustion, yet she was confused by the sudden change in force. The tension surrounding the army disappeared, and the feeling of being suppressed lifted up. It seemed as if the invisible army had retreated, and she searched for Akihiko with newfound hope.

Did we win?

The men also began to look around, realizing that the horror had finally passed.

Celine was dumbstruck as she found Akihiko, who didn't look like himself. His ethereal beauty had exceeded human standards as he stood with a certain presence that reminded her of a deity. The entire army was mute as they became entranced by the scene before them.

The emperor used a dragon's fang to stab the evil woman's heart. She shrieked and wailed hideously, the pain coursing through her body became perilous. Zavia whipped her head towards Celine, as if asking for mercy. Celine frowned and looked away, holding onto Aaron as they shivered at such a sight. Everyone expectantly anticipated for her death. 

No one except the emperor and the screeching body knew that the evil being could only die through Red's blessed fire, nor was anyone aware that Akihiko had no intention on letting her die. The emperor's men tied her up with the hair from Emperor Laith's familiar. The lion had passed away soon after its master, and Akihiko had cut its hair for this purpose. Nothing could harm or tie Zavia up as efficiently as a piece from the gods' blessing. The dragon's tooth was from Red himself, and even the casket that his men brought over was marked by the individual scales Red had lost through his injuries.

The evil being would forever be stuck in Zavia's body within the casket, constantly suffering from the eternal wound. She would finally be in the dark, engulfed by the flames she had wanted the world to suffer through.

Then, the emperor whispered quietly, chanting spells to fully seal the casket. No one would ever know how Emperor Akihiko sealed the casket, nor the reason for this complicated process. Everyone would come to believe that Zavia was invincible and couldn't be killed.

However, Akihiko had condemned Zavia to suffer infinitely. This was her divine punishment.

After the emperor finished his chants, he released his hold on the casket and stepped away. He looked around and found armies gathered around, watching him with a look of daze.

Celine carefully approached the emperor and slowly kneeled before him. The other soldiers followed in suit, bowing their head low in reverence to their savior.

"Long live Emperor Akihiko!"

The war was finally over.

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