Chapter 33

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Celine was never given the chance to reflect over her father's visit because soon after, Draco had returned from his routinely stroll through the capital with disturbing news.

The lower class was stricken with poverty due to Emperor Michaelis I's negligence. Although Sir Vigos and his other trusted advisors had attempted to minimize the damage done to the empire, their preventative measures were fruitless due to Michaelis' overspending expenditures. The welcoming ball had further damaged the empire's treasury, and the nobles were forced to increase tax on the people, causing an upheaval. 

As the Crown Prince took over Sir Vigos' responsibilities he sought to look for an alternative option and decreased the tax on lower class families. However, Prince Laith also couldn't stop his father's excessive spendings and the road to economic recovery was bleak.

Meanwhile, the country became exposed to foreign diseases the soldiers had carried home with them. The communicable disease spread quickly, and the dead bodies of lower class citizens began to pile up in the streets. 

Draco recounted his memories and detailed the number of deaths increasing everyday. The lower class was severely effected the most and completely exposed to the disease. Because the lower class families didn't have access to nutritious foods, their weak immune system couldn't fight against the epidemic. The middle class began to show signs of sickness, although it wasn't as gruesome as the lower class. Celine knew that if no actions were taken now, it was only a matter of time until these newly introduced diseases would trigger a chain of events throughout the Empire and bring deadly repercussions.  

Celine was enraged as she realized that Emperor Michaelis and the nobles continued to live lavishly while the economy and spread of diseases worsened! Celine was powerless to prevent such a catastrophe as she was repeatedly rejected by powerful nobles due to her current unfavorable position. No one would take a woman's words seriously. However, Celine continued to grow more restless as the death counts increased tremendously by the day. 

These were deaths that could've been easily avoided if somebody listened to her!


Prince Zayden and Celine watered the plants in the pavilion as the cherry blossoms began to cascade down from the trees. Every spring, they routinely watched the cherry blossoms in full bloom every day until they withered again.

This year was different. Celine couldn't possibly enjoy such a beautiful scenery. She was overwhelmed with guilt and frustration. She had been living comfortably in her own little bubble the past few weeks while people were suffering outside. She felt a sense of responsibility towards these citizens, for she possessed the knowledge of modern medicinal practice and helpful, public health measures. She was burdened by these notions and urges to do something. 

Zayden sensed her disturbance and carefully asked what was wrong.

Celine grit her teeth and finally revealed what was happening to the world around them. 

"This palace is filled with ignorance and I don't think I can stand by idly while the land rots with the stench of death." She finished her explanation and sat quietly, deep in thought.

Prince Zayden was aware of Zionitte empire's current situation, yet he couldn't understand what Celine could possibly accomplish during this atrocity. However, he wasn't doubtful of her capabilities, for she was the brightest intellectual he had ever encountered. Her insight was unthinkable and innovative. 

Such a person deserves to be an Empress, Zayden pondered sadly. He reached out to comfort Celine when she suddenly jumped up. 

She had suddenly came to a realization and couldn't control her excited body as she hopped in place. Celine had been rejected by all the nobles and hadn't even considered requesting an audience with the Emperor for obvious reasons. Meeting with the Emperor was her last resort, yet she hadn't taken the Crown Prince into consideration! She had also believed that Prince Laith would deny her presence, yet she had never actually reached out to try. He was her only source of hope because the Crown Prince could implement a law in the Emperor's stead. 

"I have to get going. I have to meet with the Crown Prince." Celine did not see Zayden flinch at her words. She began to walk away in search of Laith when a hand pulled her back.

"Don't go." Prince Zayden whispered softly, and his plea strangely sounded desperate. He met her eyes and continued to speak, ignoring her her bewildered look. "This is all because of the emperor's lack of responsibility. What can the Crown Prince possibly do?"

"It's better than doing nothing. We all know that the Crown Prince has been making the decisions for the Emperor lately." She attempted to brush his hands away and failed to do so.

Zayden still refused to release his grip on Celine and even squeezed her skinny wrists.

"Do you think he will be a great emperor?"

Celine tilted her head at his unexpected question.

"Yes. I know he will be a great emperor in the future." Because the book said so.

Celine narrowed her eyes as she was beginning to run out of patience. She did not grapple with the reasoning behind his question since she was in a hurry.

Celine yanked her hand away and proceeded towards her destination without looking back. She did not see the envy and bitterness in his eyes as she left Prince Zayden for the Crown Prince.

Zayden and Celine had always watched the cherry blossoms in the spring together. It had always been the two of them against the world, yet Zayden couldn't help feel anxious as he helplessly watched her leave. He watched the silvery hair slip away in the distance, and he was unable to say the words to stop her.


The Crown Prince was stunned to hear Celine requesting his presence. He paused for a long time before accepting her into his dimly lit office. It was still early in the afternoon, yet the prince preferred the darker ambience.

Celine walked in and bowed slowly, yet her restless eyes darted everywhere. She hesitated, as if her actions had been too spontaneous. Still, Celine managed to lower her head and wait for Laith's acknowledgement.

"I greet his highness, the Crown Prince of the great Zionitte Empire."

"You may lift your head." Crown Prince Laith watched her incredulously, as if he couldn't believe she had entered his office willingly. "What brings you here?"

"Your highness, since you refuse to let go of our fake engagement, shouldn't you at least act like a proper fiance?" The couple locked eyes, and Celine paused for a moment.

Prince Laith appeared even more bewildered, yet Celine gave him no time to recuperate. "Therefore, in order to save my reputation, let's take a walk outside of the palace."

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