Chapter 14

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Celine was 14 years old when the Zionitte Empire finished constructing their first aqueduct, supplying the public with fresh water. The country of Nour also built public baths to accommodate the debunked misconception over bathing. 

It had also been 5 years since Laith had left for war. Despite his lack of response, Celine had written letters to the Crown Prince quite frequently, hoping it would bring him some sort of comfort in the frontlines. Celine often pondered over the Crown Prince and his well being. The war didn't seem to be ending soon, yet the Zionittes firmly believed that Krastia would lose. Celine also knew he would return from war and most likely win. But in any case, she was sure that Laith was suffering mentally if not physically. He was only a child, after all.

Has he forgotten about her? Why did he never respond?

Celine had constantly asked herself these questions in the past, especially since she witnessed other women receiving letters from the warriors while she received none. Now, the worries had disappeared completely.

During those times apart, she had created multiple back up plans to secure her future safety. Her life seemed to be in order for the first time, and Celine's friends also gave her the support system she needed to further grow with confidence and live more comfortably. The facade she had slowly built up faded away along with her fears, and she could finally be true to herself. 

Celine's new personality was a sharp contrast to her previously shy, timid persona. She displayed a more regal and intimidating expression. Instead of her usual sweet and bubbly act, she became honest and blunt. Her business continued to flourish, and she had already won over multiple noblewomen. Therefore, she rarely interacted with others and withdrew from the social circles. Although Celine remained cordial and courteous, the nobles considered her to be rude and overbearing. Thus, rumors began to spread over Celine's change. They said she was now a flower dipped in ice.

Although Celine was slightly upset over her new reputation; Zayden, who was now 12 years old, felt relieved. The number of men who approached Celine had decreased tremendously since they became intimidated by her. The stress and irritation in his heart had dissipated for the time being.


It was a cold, winter day when Zayden gave Celine a letter stamped with the Imperial seal. They both sat against the Sakura tree, bundled up in a warm blanket as Celine examined the contents of the invitation. 

"It's the invitation for the Familia Ball."

Hosted by the Imperial family, the Familia Ball was a formal event celebrating the existence of familiars through a series of dances and performances. This ball would be the only night out of the entire year where the Zionitte Empire could publicly show off their familiars. It was against ancestral traditions and the laws to display them anywhere else. 

When the Zionitte Empire first became established, the founding Emperor and his group of supporters received a blessing from the gods. Each of the men were gifted with a powerful, spirit animal that would be their arms in battles. The Emperor and his men were able to to defeat the enemies and protect their lands. Therefore, familiars only existed to protect the Empire and its people. Their successors would also inherit familiars with various skills. As years passed by, the nobles became arrogant and started to abuse their special power by oppressing the weak or killing other familiars out of jealousy. As if the gods were disappointed and punishing the Zionittes, familiars became increasingly rare and only a select few nobles inherited them. The Emperor during that time placed a new rule in order to save the dying race. Familiars were to never be displayed publicly unless they were at war with another country. This law would essentially decrease the number of greedy, selfish nobles. But since nobles still possessed an innate desire to flaunt their power, the familial ball was born.

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